All abstracts by Mónica Sánchez-Román in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Magnesium and Strontium Isotope Fractionation during Microbial Dolomite FormationTatzel M, Paytan A, DiLoreto Z, Dittrich M, Bontognali T & Sanchez-Román M
(2017) Implications of Elevated Sr Values in Mirobial Mediated Dolomites
Sánchez-Román M, Blok C, McKenzie J, Davies G, Vroon P, Gibert L & Crisogono V
(2014) Mineralogy and Geochemistry in the Subsurface of Rio Tinto
Sanchez-Roman M, Amils R, Rodriguez N & Fernandez D
(2013) Biomineralization of Jarosite by Purpureocillium lilacinum, an Acidophilic Fungi Isolated from Río Tinto
Oggerin M, Tornos F, Rodríguez N, del Moral C, Sánchez-Román M & Amils R
(2013) Carbonate Biomineralization Under Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions by a Novel Deep Subsurface Bacterial Isolate
Puente-Sánchez F, Sánchez-Román M, Rodríguez N, Fernández-Remolar D, Parro V & Amils R
(2013) Geochemical and Microbial Signals Related to Carbonate Formation in the Subsurface of Rio Tinto
Sánchez-Román M, Fernandez-Romar D, Puente-Sánchez F, Parro Garcia V, Rodriguez N & Amils R
(2012) Mg-Dolomite Nucleation in Biofilm of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria at Modern Seawater Salinity
Krause S, Liebetrau V, Gorb S, Sanchez-Roman M, McKenzie JA & Treude T
(2010) Microbial Mediation of Fe-Mg-Ca Carbonates in Acidic Environments (Rio Tinto): Field Studies vs Culture Experiments
Sánchez-Román M, Fernández-Remolar D, Amils R & Rodriguez N
(2007) Experimentally Determined Biomediated Sr2+ Partitition Coefficient for Dolomite
Sanchez-Roman M, Vasconcelos C, de Luca Rebello Wagener A, Plötze M & McKenzie JA