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All abstracts by Loredana Saccone in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2012) Biotite Weathering in Watersheds of the Slavkov Forest, Czech Republic
Balogh-Brunstad Z, Saccone L, Smits MM, Berner C, Wallander H, McMaster T & Stipp SLS

(2011) Surface Characterization of Biotite from a Mesh Bag Field Study
Balogh-Brunstad Z, Saccone L, Smits MM, Berner C, Wallander H, McMaster TJ & Stipp SLS

(2011) The Scale Factor in the Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Weathering Debate
Smits M, Balogh-Brunstad Z, Saccone L, Wallander H & Colpaert J

(2011) Nutrient Uptake at the Fungi-Mineral Interface
Mankasingh U, Gazze SA, Saccone L, Duran AL, Leake JR & Ragnarsdottir KV

(2010) Constraining Global-Scale Weathering Models Through Nano-Scale Ectomycorrhiza-Mineral Interactions
Bridge J, Bonneville S, Saccone L, Schmalenberger A, Duran A, Andrews M, Hardy K, Taylor L, Beerling D, Benning L, Leake J, McMaster T & Banwart S

(2009) Paxillus involutus Hyphae: Imaging their Structure and Interaction with Mineral Surfaces Using AFM
Saccone L, Gazze SA, Ragnarsdottir KV, Leake JR, Duran AL, Hallam KR & McMaster TJ

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