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All abstracts by Hans Ruppert in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2017) Balance Calculations on the Fate of Cadmium and Uranium from Phosphate Fertilizers in Arable Soils
Ruppert H, Munier H & Sauer B

(2017) Trace Elements in Plants – Correction Methods for Adhering Particles to get Real Plant Uptake
Fahlbusch W, Pospiech S, Sauer B, Pasold T & Ruppert H

(2016) Trace Element Transfer into the Plant: What can We Learn from Element Ratios?
Pospiech S, Sauer B, Fahlbusch W, Pasold T, Tolosana-Delgado R & Ruppert H

(2013) Energy Crop Production on Mining and Smelting Impacted Arable Land – A Non-Phytoremediation Approach
Fahlbusch W, Sauer B & Ruppert H

(2013) Toxic Element Balances in Small Scale Wood Combustion Systems
Ruppert H & Seidel T

(2007) Formation of High Alumina Phases in Sediments and Soils of Different Ages Without Inherited Weathering Products
Ruppert H & Grathoff G

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