All abstracts by Douglas Rumble in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Δ13CH3D and Δ12CH2D2 Signals of Methanogenesis and MethanotrophyAsh J, Egger M, Kohl I, Treude T, Slomp C, Cragg B, Parkes RJ, Rumble D & Young E
(2016) A Survey of Methane DCH2D2 vs. D13CH3D in Nature and in the Laboratory
Young E, Kohl I, Sherwood Lollar B, Etiope G, Rumble D, Li S, Haghnegahdar M, Schuable E, McCain K, Foustoukos D, Suycliffe C, Warr O, Ballentine C, Hosgormez H & Neubeck A
(2015) A Unique and Novel Ultra High-Mass Resolution Gas-Source Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometer
Young E, Rumble D & Freedman P
(2013) Terrestrial Δ33S and the S Cycle during the Archean: Evidence from Paleosols
Sutton S, Maynard J, Rumble D & Bekker A
(2011) High Mass Resolution Gas-Source Mass Spectrometry
Young E, Rumble D, Freedman P, Schauble E & Guo W
(2010) Sulfur Isotope Fractionation during Broadband Low Pressure SO2 UV Photolysis: Testing SO2 Self-Shielding Hypothesis in the Laboratory
Guo W, Fogel M, Oduro H, Farquhar J & Rumble D
(2010) Lithium and Oxygen Isotopes and Oxidation State of Lower Oceanic Crust: Atlantis Massif, 30°N
Reynolds V, Crapster-Pregont E, Dyar D, Jawin E, McDonough W, Qiu L, Rumble D & Tucker J
(2009) Hadean-Archean Oxygen Isotope Fractionation
Rumble D, Thomassot E & Blake R
(2009) The Role of Volatiles during Asteroidal Differentiation
Day J, Walker R, Sunshine J, Ash R, Rumble D, Liu Y, McDonough B & Taylor L
(2008) Evidence For Sulfur-Rich Fluids in the Ancient Angrite Parent Body
Irving A, Kuehner S & Rumble D
(2008) Stage II of Multiple-Sulfur Isotope Records in South Africa
Ono S, Guy B, Rumble D & Beukes N
(2008) Sulfidic Organic-Rich Shales in the Archean Low-Sulfate Ocean: Evidence for Transient Oxygenated Conditions, Enhanced Volcanism, or Low Sedimentation Rates?
Bekker A, Hofmann A, Rumble D & Rouxel O
(2006) Early Bombardment of Earth and the Absence of Δ17O Anomalies from 3.8 Ga Apatite from Isua, Greenland
Rumble D, Blake R, Corrigan C & Lepland A
(2006) Quadruple sulfur isotope constraints on the origin of the early Archean barite and pyrite
Ueno Y, Rumble D & Ono S
(2006) Multiple S isotope study indicates footwall hydrothermal exhalative massive sulfides were the major sulfur source for Archean komatiite-hosted magmatic nickel-sulfides from Western Australia and Canada
Fiorentini M, Bekker A, Rumble D, Barley M & Beresford S
(2005) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Constraints on Sulfur Cycle in the Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems
Ono S, Scott J, Rumble D, Wing B, Johnston D, Farquhar J & Voight J
(2005) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Fractionation of Microbial Sulfate Reduction
Wang P, Rumble D, Ono S, Scott J & Steele A
(2005) Before the Rise of Oxygen: Multiple Sulfur Isotope Systematics in the Late Archean Basins in South Africa and Australia
Ono S, Beukes N, Sumner D, Eigenbrode J, Wing B, Johnston D, Farquhar J & Rumble D
(2005) Low Atmospheric pO<->2<$> in the Aftermath of the Oldest Paleoproterozoic Glaciation
Bekker A, Ono S & Rumble D
(2004) Dating the Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen
Bekker A, Holland H, Wang P, Rumble Iii D, Stein H, Hannah J, Coitzee L & Beukes N
(2004) Tellurium Isotopes in Archean Sulfides
Fehr M, Rehkämper M, Wiechert U, Halliday A, Ono S & Rumble iii D
(2003) Mass-Independent Sulfur Isotope Records from the Hamersley Basin, Australia
Ono S, Rumble D, Pavlov A, Eigenbrode J, Kasting J & Lindsay J
(2003) S8 Aerosols in the Archean Atmosphere
Pavlov A, Ono S, Rumble D, Kasting J & Toon B
(2003) Experimental Constraints on the Mechanism of S Isotope Mass-Independent Fractionation during SO2 Dissociation
Lyons J, Wing B, Farquhar J, Ono S & Rumble D
(2003) Interpreting Isotopic Records of Atmospheric Photochemistry in Surface Deposits
Rumble D
(2003) Multiple Sulfur Isotopes of Early Archean Hydrothermal Deposits from Western Australia
Ueno Y, Rumble D, Ono S, Hu G & Maruyama S
(2002) Negative δ18O Signatures in Morphologically Complex Zircons: Evidence for Proterozoic Cold-Climate Water/Rock Interaction in the Qinglongshan UHP Meta-Granite (Sulu Terrain, China)
Giorgis D, Rumble D & Cosca M
(2002) Oxygen Isotopic Heterogeneity Among Eucrites
Wiechert U, Halliday AN, Palme H & Rumbel Iii D
(2002) Oxygen Isotopic Composition of IVA Iron Meteorites and its Implications
Wang P-L, Rumble D & McCoy TJ
(2002) D33S, δ34S and δ13C Constraints on the Paleoproterozoic Atmosphere during the Earliest Huronian Glaciation
Wing B, Brabson E, Farquhar J, Kaufman AJ, Rumble Iii D & Bekker A
(2002) MIF of S, Oölitic Ironstones, Redox Sensitive Elements in Shales, and the Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen
Bekker A, Bekker A, Holland HD, Rumble Iii D, Wang P-L & Coetzee LL
(2001) Chemically Reactive Fluid Flow during Contact Metamorphism of Siliceous Carbonate Rocks
Ferry JM, Wing BA & Rumble D
(2001) Heterogeneity of Oxygen Isotope Compositions in the Kokchetav UHP Metamorphic Rocks
Masago H, Rumble Iii D, Ernst WG & Maruyama S
(2001) Trace Element Partitioning in Amphibolite-Facies Metapelites from the Central Alps
Gieré R, ̧nther DG & Rumble D
(2001) Laser Fluorination Analysis in Stable Isotope Geochemistry
Rumble D & Hu G
(2001) Coesite-Eclogite Rocks Preserve Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Evidence of a Temperate Latitude Cold Climate during Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth
Rumble Iii D, Giorgis D, Ireland T, Xu H, Yui TF & Liou JG
(2000) Correlated Argon and Oxygen Isotopes in UHP Eclogites from Qinglongshan (Sulu Terrain, China): Evidence for Inherited Argon
Giorgis D, Cosca M, Rumble D & Liou JG