All abstracts by Casilda Ruiz in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Geochemistry of Cassiterite and Wolframite from Quartz Veins in Central Iberian Zone (Spain)Ruiz C & Fernandez C
(2013) Geochemical Modelling of Sn and W in Granites from Central Iberian Zone (Spain)
Ruiz C & Fernandez C
(2009) Cassiterite and Wolframite Nb-Ta Content in Leucogranites. Central-Iberian Zone
Ruiz C & Fernandez-Leyva C
(2009) Modelling the Sn and W Evolution in Peraluminous Leucogranites from the Central-Iberian Zone
Fernandez-Leyva C, Ruiz C & Gonzalez L