All abstracts by Jean-Marie Rouchy in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Hydrology of Marginal Evaporitic Basins during the Messinian Salinity CrisisEl Kilany A, Caruso A, Dela Pierre F, Natalicchio M, Rouchy J-M & Aloisi G
(2010) Diagenesis of Gypsum
Baudrand M, Aloisi G, Martineau F, Fourel F, Lécuyer C, Pancost R, Blanc-Valleron M-M, Rouchy J-M, Aref MAM & Grossi V
(2009) Messinian Gypsum Stromatolites – A Molecular Approach
Hoffmann L, Birgel D, Rouchy J-M, Ziegenbalg S & Peckmann J