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All abstracts by Michael Aeschbacher in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2013) Quantification of Organic Matter Redox States by Mediated Electrochemical Analysis
Sander M, Klüpfel L, Piepenbrock A, Kappler A & Aeschbacher M

(2011) An Electrochemical Approach to Determine the Redox Properties of Iron-Bearing Clay Minerals
Gorski C, Sander M, Aeschbacher M, Klüpfel L & Hofstetter T

(2011) Electron Donating Properties of Humic Substances and Implications for Pollutant Phototransformation
Sander M, Wenk J, Aeschbacher M, Schwarzenbach RP, von Gunten U, Salhi E & Canonica S

(2011) Electron and Proton Transfer Equilibria of Reducible Moieties in Humic Substances
Aeschbacher M, Schwarzenbach RP & Sander M

(2009) Electrochemical Characterization of Humic Substance Redox Properties
Aeschbacher M, Schwarzenbach RP & Sander M

(2009) Effect of Humic Acid Redox Status on the Sorption of Organic Pollutants
Aeschbacher M, Brunner S, Schwarzenbach RP & Sander M

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