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All abstracts by Detlev K. Richter in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2015) Magnesium Isotope Composition of Recent Sabkha Pore Fluids and Stoichiometric Dolomites (UAE)
Immenhauser A, Geske A, Lokier S, Dietzel M, Richter D & Buhl D

(2015) Delayed Beginning of the Eemian in Central Europe due to a Reduced AMOC
Scholz D, Hoffmann DL, Spötl C, Jochum KP & Richter DK

(2015) Annual Lamination in a Recent Speleothem from Zoolithencave (Bavaria, Germany)
Riechelmann DFC, Jochum KP, Tjallingii R, Fohlmeister J, Richter DK, Brummer G-J & Scholz D

(2013) Establishing the Magnesium Isotope (δ<sup>26</sup>Mg) Signature of Early and Late Diagenetic Dolomite Types
Geske A, Goldstein R, Richter D, Buhl D, Kluge T, John C & Immenhauser A

(2011) Cryogenic Cave Carbonates – A New Tool for Estimation of Former Permafrost Depths
Zak K, Filippi M, Zivor R & Richter DK

(2011) Decoupled Evolution of Temperature and Precipitation in Western Germany during the Last Interglacial Reconstructed from a Precisely Dated Speleothem
Scholz D, Hoffmann D, Spötl C, Hopcroft P, Mangini A & Richter D

(2010) Towards a New Proxy for Holocene Climate Change: Magnesium-Isotope Fractionation during Low-Mg Calcite Precipitation in a Limestone Cave
Immenhauser A, Buhl D, Richter D, Niedermayr A, Riechelmann D, Dietzel M & Schulte U

(2009) Magnesium-Isotope Fractionation in a Monitored Limestone Cave
Buhl D, Immenhauser A, Richter D, Schulte U, Dietzel M, Riechelmann D & Niedermayr A

(2007) Time-Series Analysis of Magnesium Isotopes in Speleothems
Immenhauser A, Buhl D & Richter D

(2000) Preservation and Chemical Alteration of Biogenic Francolite and Calcite from Marine Organism
Habermann D, Banerjee A, Goette T, Meijer J, Stephan A & Richter DK

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