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All abstracts by Martin Reich in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Sedimentary Signatures of Cu-(Fe) Sulfides from the Bitumen-Bearing El Soldado Stratabound Cu(-Ag) Deposit, Central Chile
Alcoholado Maillard C, Reich M, Barra F, Romero R, Costin G & Cabeza R

(2024) Geochemical Simulation of Supergene Copper Enrichment Using Reactive Transport Models
Clericus Castillo AB, Reich M, Perez-Fodich A, Barra F & del Real I

(2023) From a Fertile Mantle Source to Epithermal Deposits: Tracing the Flux of Precious Metals Across the Lithosphere
Tassara S, Rooney A, Ague J, Guido D, Reich M, Barra F & Navarrete C

(2022) Zircon Petrochronology of Cretaceous Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au Deposits of the Coastal Cordillera of Northern Chile
Barra F, Tapia MJ, Romero Núñez R, Reich M & Ojeda AJ

(2021) Actinolite as a Proxy for Characterizing the Thermal Evolution of Iron-Oxide Copper Gold Deposits
del Real I, Reich M, Simon A, Deditius A, Barra F, Rodriguez-Mustafa MA & Thompson JFH

(2021) Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore-Forming Processes Revealed by Magnetite Geochemistry of Chilean Iron Oxide-Apatite (IOA) Deposits
Palma Lira G, Barra F, Reich M, Simon A & Romero Núñez R

(2021) Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution of the El Laco Iron Deposit Revealed by Trace Element Geochemistry and High-Resolution Chemical Mapping of Ore and Gangue Minerals
Ovalle JTT, Reich M, Barra F, Simon A, Deditius A, Le Vaillant M & Morata D

(2019) In situ Geochemical and Isotopic Signature of Pyrite as a Proxy for Fluid Sources in the Candelaria-Punta del Cobre IOCG District, Chile
del Real I, Thompson J, Simon A & Reich M

(2019) How are Critical Elements Distributed in a World-Class Porphyry Cu Deposit?
Reich M, Crespo J, Barra F, Leisen M, Romero R, Verdugo JJ & Martinez C

(2019) Geochemical Features of “Invisible Gold” in Pyrites from the Akeshi and Kasuga Deposits, Kagoshima, Japan
Ishida M, Romero R, Leisen M, Torimoto J, Nozaki T, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Nakamura K, Reich M & Kato Y

(2019) Nanoscale Isotopic and Chemical Zonation of Ore Minerals
Deditius A, Reich M, Barra F, Simon A, Utsunomiya S, Kilburn M, Kesler S & Ewing R

(2018) Magmatic and Metamorphic Origin of Noble Metal Nanoparticles in Chromite Ores
González-Jiménez JM, Deditius A, Reich M, Gervilla F, Suvorova A, Roberts M, Roqué J & Proenza J

(2018) Geochemistry and Environmental Tracer Signature of Thermal Waters in an Andean Geothermal System
Pérez-Moreno R, Reich M, Daniele L, Tardani D, Wrage J, Sánchez-Alfaro P, Held S, Delgado A & Morata D

(2018) Carbon-14 Dating of Silica Sinter Deposits from El Tatio, Chile
Slagter S, Reich M, Muñoz-Sáez C, Morata D & Southon J

(2018) Geochemical and Micro-Textural Fingerprints of Boiling in Pyrite
Reich M, Román N, Leisen M, Barra F, Morata D & Deditius A

(2018) Sulfur XANES Investigation of Upper Mantle Metasomatic Apatite
Tassara S, Reich M, Konecke B, González Jiménez J-M, Fiege A, Simon A, Morata D & Barra F

(2018) Magnetite Geochemistry from Andean Kiruna-Type Deposits
Barra F, Reich M, Simon A, Rojas P, Knipping J, Salazar E, Leisen M & Deditius A

(2018) Magmatic-Hydrothermal Fluids Transport More Than Dissolved Solutes
Simon A, Knipping J, Reich M, Barra F & Deditius A

(2017) Using Stable Isotopes of Cr to Monitor PGE Enrichment in Lateritic Soils Developed Under Cold and Humid Climates
Rivera J, Reich M, Schoenberg R, González Jiménez JM, Barra F, Proenza J, Aiglsperger T & Carretier S

(2017) Gold Particles in Upper Mantle Xenoliths
Tassara CS, González-Jiménez JM, Reich M, Morata D, Schilling M & Barra F

(2017) The Co-ni Signature of Sulfide Minerals from the Mantoverde IOCG Deposit, Northern Chile
Johansson C, Barra F, Reich M, Deditius A, Simon A & Rojas P

(2017) Reassessing the Role of Organic Matter on Metal Transport and Deposition in Chilean Stratabound Cu Deposits
Herazo A, Reich M, Barra F & Morata D

(2017) Rhenium and Os Spatial Distribution in Molybdenite Grains: Implications for Re-Os Geochronology
Barra F, Deditius A, Reich M & Kilburn M

(2017) Ore Systems as Nanoparticle Factories
Deditius A, Reich M, Utsunomiya S, Barra F, Gonzalez-Jimenez J-M, Simon A, Suvorova A, Ewing R & Kesler S

(2017) Formation of Kiruna-Type Deposits – Testing a Novel Model
Knipping JL, Simon AC, Reich M, Fiege A, Deditius AP, Webster JD, Bilenker L, Barra F, Holtz F & Oeser-Rabe M

(2016) Nanoparticles in Hydrothermal Magnetite from the Los Colorados IOA Deposit in Chile
Deditius A, Reich M, Suvorova A, Roberts M, Rubanov S & Simon A

(2016) A Secondary (PGE-Au) ±Ni-S-As-Sb-Pb Mineralization in Serpentinite Shear Zones from Central Chile
González-Jiménez JM, Garrido LNF, Romero R, Salazar E, Barra F, Reich M, Satsukawa T & Colás V

(2016) The Hydrological Cycle of Iodine in Atacama: Natural and Anthropogenic Sources Revelead by Iodine-129 Isotopes
Alvarez F, Reich M, Snyder G & Fehn U

(2016) Metamorphic Zircons in Ophiolitic Chromitites from Central Chile
Romero R, González-Jiménez JM, Barra F, Talavera C, Salazar E, Garrido L & Reich M

(2015) The Optimal Pathways Leading to Earthquake-Enhanced Gold Precipitation in the Epithermal Environment
Sanchez-Alfaro P, Reich M, Driesner T, Arancibia G, Perez-Flores P, Cembrano J, Rowland J & Heinrich C

(2015) Noble-Gas and Nitrogen Isotope Geochemistry of Geothermal Fluids from the Caviahue-Copahue Volcanic Complex in the Southern Andes
Roulleau E, Tardani D, Vinet N, Sano Y, Takahata N & Reich M

(2015) Re-Os Isotopes in Andean IOCGs and IOA Deposits: Implications for the Source of Metals
Barra F, Selby D, Reich M & Simon A

(2015) Metal Fluxing in a Large-Scale Intra-Arc Fault: Insights from the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System in Southern Chile
Tardani D, Reich M, Roulleau E, Sano Y, Takahata N, González-Jiménez JM, Sanchez P, Cembrano J & Arancibia G

(2015) Geochemistry of Precious Metals and Metalloids in Silica Sinter Deposits from Puchuldiza, Northern Chile: Implications for Metal Transport and Precipitation in High-Altitud Active Geothermal Environments
Sánchez C, Reich M, Leisen M, Morata D & Barra F

(2015) A Genetic Model that Links Magma, IOA and IOCG Deposits
Simon A, Knipping J, Bilenker L, Reich M, Barra F & Deditius A

(2015) Nano-Geochemistry of Trace Elements in Magnetite from the Los Colorados IOA Deposit in Chile
Deditius A, Reich M, Suvorova A, Roberts M, Rubanov S & Simon A

(2015) The Trace Element Signature of Pyrite from the Los Colorados Iron Oxide Apatite (IOA) Deposit: A Missing Link between IOA and IOCG Systems?
Reich M, Simon A, Deditius A, Chryssoulis S, Tardani D, Barra F, Knipping J, Bilenker L & Sanchez-Alfaro P

(2015) Natural and Anthropogenic Iodine in Natural Waters from the Atacama Desert: Sources and Cycling of Iodine in a Continental Margin
Alvarez F, Reich M, Perez A & Snyder G

(2014) Natural and Anthropogenic Iodine in Atacama: Sources, Sinks and Cycling of Iodine in a Hyperarid Continental Margin
Alvarez F, Reich M, Perez A, Snyder G, Muramatsu Y & Fehn U

(2014) Geochemistry of Au and As in Pyrite from Ore Deposits
Deditius A, Reich M, Kesler S, Utsunomiya S, Chryssoulis S, Walshe J & Ewing R

(2014) Fluid Evolution in an Andean Geothermal System: Coupling Fluid Inclusions Thermometry, LA-ICP-MS and Geochemical Modeling
Sanchez-Alfaro P, Driesner T, Heinrich C, Reich M, Perez P, Arancibia G & Cembrano J

(2014) Evidence for a Magmatic Origin for Iron Oxide-Apatite Deposits
Knipping JL, Simon A & Reich M

(2014) Fe and O Systematics of the Los Colorados IOA Deposit, Chile
Bilenker L, Simon A, Reich M, Lundstrom C & Bindeman I

(2014) PGE Remobilisation during Metamorphism of Chromitites in Central Chile
Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Barra F, Reich M, Hernandez E, Gervilla F, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY & Pearson NJ

(2014) Is There a Link between IOCG and Manto-Type Deposits in the Andes of Northern Chile?
Barra F, Morata D, Reich M, Campos E & Simon A

(2014) Chemical Zoning and Microtexture of Magnetite from Los Colorados Iron Oxide-Apatite Deposit, Chile
Reich M, Simon A, Deditius A, Bilenker L, Knipping J & Barra F

(2013) The Microstructure and Trace Metal Geochemistry of Pyrite from Porphyry Cu Deposits
Reich M, Deditius A & Barra F

(2013) The Influence of Fault-Fracture Network Activity on Fluid Geochemistry and Mineral Precipitation at the Tolhuaca Geothermal System, Southern Chile
Sanchez P, Perez P, Reich M, Arancibia G, Cembrano J, Campos E & Lohmar S

(2013) Ferrian Chromite Formation in Podiform Chromitites from South-Central Chile
Barra F, Gervilla F & Reich M

(2013) Source and Sinks of Iodine in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert of Northern Chile
Alvarez F, Perez A, Snyder GT, Vargas G, Muramatsu Y & Reich M

(2013) The Role of Groundwater in the Formation of the Giant Nitrate Deposits of Atacama: Iodine-129 and Stable Chromium Isotopic Evidence
Perez Fodich A, Alvarez F, Snyder GT, Schoenberg R & Reich M

(2011) The 129I Isotopic Composition of Supergene Iodine Minerals in Chile and Australia
Reich M, Alvarez F, Perez A, Snyder G, Palacios C, Vargas G, Muramatsu Y, Cameron E & Fehn U

(2011) Chemical Limits of Trace Elements in Pyrite
Deditius A, Kesler S, Reich M, Utsunomiya S & Ewing R

(2010) Sources and Sinks of Iodine in the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile: Insights from the Nitrate Ore Fields and Supergene Zones of Cu Deposits
Reich M, Snyder G, Fehn U, Palacios C, Vargas G & Cameron E

(2010) Trace-Metal Nanoparticles in Pyrite
Deditius A, Utsunomiya S, Reich M, Kesler S, Ewing R, Hough R & Walshe J

(2010) “Invisible” Ag and Au in Supergene Cu-Sulfides: EMPA, SIMS and TEM Constraints
Weldt M, Reich M, Chryssoulis S, Deditius A, Palacios C, Zuniga A & Alvear M

(2009) Cristobalite Nanofibers in Volcanic Ash from the Ongoing Explosive Eruption at Chaitén Volcano, Chilean Patagonia
Reich M, Zuniga A, Amigo A, Vargas G, Morata D, Palacios C, Parada MA & Garreaud R

(2009) Iodargyrite (AgI) in Supergene Zones of Argentiferous Cu Deposits in the Atacama Desert, Chile: Involvement of I-Rich Waters?
Alvear M, Reich M, Palacios C, Cameron E, Leybourne M & Deditius A

(2008) Gold Deposition onto Arsenian Pyrite
Renock D, Deditius A, Reich M, Kesler S, Ewing R & Becker U

(2008) Nanoscale Mineralogy of Ag in Sulfides from Cu Deposits in Northern Chile: Implications for Ore Genesis, Exploration, and Metallurgical Recovery
Reich M, Chryssoulis S & Palacios C

(2005) Insitu Observation of Thermodynamic Size Effects on Melting of Natural Gold Nanoparticles
Reich M, Utsunomiya S, Becker U, Wang L & Ewing R

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