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All abstracts by Maria Isabel Garrido Prudêncio in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2014) Geochemical Fingerprints in Topsoils of Brava Island, Cape Verde
Marques R, Prudencio MI, Waerenborgh JC, Rocha F, Ferreira da Silva E, Dias MI, Madeira J & Quevedo-Reys M

(2013) Buried Lava Paleosol in NW Fogo Island (Cape Verde) – Chemical and Mineralogical Evolution
Marques R, Prudencio I, Waerenborgh J, Coutinho J, Rocha F, Silva E & Dias I

(2011) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Volcanic Ash Red Paleosol from Fogo Island (Cape Verde)
Marques R, Prudêncio MI, Waerenborgh JC, Rocha F, Dias MI & Ferreira da Silva E

(2011) Trace Element Mobility during Spheroidal Weathering of Dolerite Dykes from Central Portugal
Trindade M, Rocha F, Prudêncio M & Dias M

(2010) Uranium and Other Elements in Residual Clays of Dolerites, Granites and Aplite-Pegmatites from Central Portugal
Trindade MJF, Dias MIM, Prudêncio MIG & Rocha FJT

(2005) Trace Element Monitoring in the Vicinity of a Solid Waste Disposal
Dias I, Gouveia A, Araujo F, Freitas C, Prudencio I & Marques P

(2005) Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Micropaleontology of Sediments from El Meleh Lagoon, Tunisia
Prudencio I, Gonzalez I, Dias I, Galan E, Ruiz F, Duplay J, Gueddari F & Ahmed R

(2001) Geochemical Discrimination Indexes for Granitic Rocks: Application to Monument Stones
Nasraoui M, Prudêncio MI & Waerenborgh JC

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