All abstracts by Jessika Potgieter in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2011) The Formation of Micro-Diamonds in Cracks Caused by a C-O-H Rich Fluid Under Medium to Low Pressure ConditionsPotgieter J, Sommer H, Regenauer-Lieb K, Jung H & Gasharova B
(2009) OH and CO2 Diffusion Profiles in Garnets from Eclogitic Xenoliths from the Rovic Diamond Mine, South Africa (UNESCO IGCP 557)
Potgieter J, Sommer H, Regenauer-Lieb K, Gasharova B & Purchase M
(2009) OH Partitioning Coefficient between Garnets and Melt Inclusions in Lherzolite Xenoliths from the Kimberly Diamond Mine, South Africa (UNESCO IGCP 557)
Purchase M, Sommer H, Regenauer-Lieb K, Gasharova B & Potgieter J