All abstracts by Tamara Polubesova in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Surface-Induced Redox Processes: Oxidative Transformation of Oxytetracycline by Fe- and Mn-Containing MineralsKarpov M, Seiwert B, Reemtsma T, Polubesova T & Chefetz B
(2014) Reconstitution of Cutin Monomers on Smectite Surfaces
Olshansky Y, Polubesova T, Chefetz B, Totsche K-U & Eusterhues K
(2011) Adsorption and Oxidative Transformation of Aromatic Acids by Fe(III)-Montmorillonite
Polubesova T, Eldad S & Chefetz B
(2009) Sorption and Fractionation of Hydrophobic Fractions of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) on Fe3+ – And Cu2+ – Montmorilllonite
Polubesova T, Chen Y, Navon R & Chefetz B