All abstracts by Alexander Polozov in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Dolerite Sills from the Siberian Traps (Tunguska Basin, Russia) Bear Evidence of Halogens Mobilization from Evaporitic Host RocksCallegaro S, Svensen HH, Heimdal TH, Guarino V, Deegan FM, Jerram DA, Polozov A & Planke S
(2021) Geochemistry of Low-Ti Siberian Traps Sills from the Tunguska Basin Bears Evidence of Magma-Crust Interaction
Callegaro S, Svensen H, Neumann E-R, Polozov A, Jerram DA, Deegan F & Planke S
(2019) Siberian Traps Expanded in Space and Composition Through New High Precision Geochronology
Augland LE, Ryabov VV, Vernikovsky V, Planke S, Polozov A, Callegaro S, Jerram D & Svensen H
(2011) Strongly Reduced Gases Emitted during Flood Magmatism and their Environmental Consequences
Iacono-Marziano G, Gaillard F, Scaillet B, Marecal V, Pirre M, Polozov A & Arndt N
(2009) Geochemistry of Early Triassic Crater Lake Sediments in the Tunguska Basin, Siberia: Implications for Extinction and Recovery
Fristad K, Svensen H, Planke S & Polozov A