All abstracts by Ingmar Persson in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Mobilization of Particulate, Colloidal and Dissolved Pb and Fe in Contaminated Soils – Effect of Metal Speciation and Soil TypeLöv Å, Larsbo M, Cornelis G, Sjöstedt C, Persson I, Gustafsson J-P & Berggren Kleja D
(2013) Chromium(III) and Bismuth(III) Complexation to Organic Matter: EXAFS Spectroscopy and Equilibrium Modelling
Gustafsson JP, Geranmayeh Odomieh A, Sjöstedt C, Persson I & Berggren Kleja D
(2012) Vanadate Complexation to Ferrihydrite: X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy and CD-MUSIC Modeling
Larsson M, Gustafsson JP, Sjoestedt C & Persson I
(2012) Phosphate Effects on Copper and Lead Sorption to Ferrihydrite
Tiberg C, Gustafsson JP, Sjoestedt C & Persson I
(2010) Iron Phases in Soils and Softwater Lakes as Determined by EXAFS Spectroscopy
Sjöstedt C, Gustafsson JP, Persson I, Berggren Kleja D, Hassellöv M & Borg H
(2007) Mechanisms of iron(III) Binding to Organic Matter and its Competitive Effect on Trace Metals
Gustafsson JP, van Schaik JWJ, Berggren Kleja D & Persson I