All abstracts by Mirjam Perner in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Tapping into the Unknown: Functional Screening for CO2 Reducing Enzymes Gives Unprecedented Insights into the Uncultured Microbial MajorityBoehnke S, Zarzycki J, Baehrle R, Enderle M, Paczia N, Englhard J, Bachmann J, Erb T & Perner M
(2023) Uncovering the Hydrogen Utilization Potential of the Microbial Dark Matter in Seafloor Habitats
Adam-Beyer N & Perner M
(2022) Iron Oxidation by Hydrogenovibrio Isolated from Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vents
Perner M, Laufer-Meiser K, Adam-Beyer N & Schippers A
(2018) Iron, Sulfide and Hydrogen Cycling in Kermadec Arc Hydrothermal Fluids: Microbial Turnover Rates Coupled to Transcriptomics Give Insight into Biogeochemical Processes
Sass K, Böhnke-Brandt S & Perner M
(2011) Controls on Microbes in an Actively Venting Chimney and in Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Fluids
Perner M & LaRoche J
(2011) Geo-Bio Interactions in Hydrothermal Fluids and their Potential Role for Hydrothermal Metal Fluxes
Koschinsky A, Sander S, Klevenz V & Perner M
(2009) The Effects of Amino Acids on Cu Toxicity for Hydrothermal Vent Microbes
Klevenz V, Perner M, Sander S & Koschinsky A
(2009) Energetics of Catabolic Reactions in Diffuse Hydrothermal Fluids – Clues to Subseafloor Microbial Metabolism
Hentscher M, Bach W, Perner M, Koschinsky A, Garbe-Schönberg D & Amend JP