All abstracts by Alexei Perchuk in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Subisobaric Cooling of Mafic Xenoliths from the Udachnaya Kimberlite Pipe, SiberiaSapegina A, Perchuk A, Safonov O, Yapaskurt V, Shatsky V & Malkovets V
(2011) Decarbonation of Subducting Slab at Subarc Depth: Experimental Modeling
Perchuk A, Korepanova O & Yapaskurt V
(2011) Two Pyroxene-Garnet Rock of the Gridino Area of Belomorian Mobile Belt (Northern Karelia), Karelia, Russia: Record of the Prograde and Retrograde Metamorphic Events
Morgunova A & Perchuk A
(2001) Lu-Hf and Ar-Ar Chronometry Supports Extreme Rate of Subduction Zone Metamorphism Deduced from Geospeedometry
Philippot P, Blichert-Toft J, Perchuk A, Costa S & Gerasimov V