All abstracts by Laure Pelletier in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2008) Are Li, B and Sr-Isotopes Tracers for Serpentinization?Vils F, Tonarini S, Seitz H-M, Kalt A & Pelletier L
(2007) B, Li and Sr Isotopes as Tracers of Seawater-Serpentinite Interaction at MAR, ODP leg 209
Vils F, Tonarini S, Seitz H-M, Kalt A & Pelletier L
(2006) Li, Be and B in Pindos and Vourinos mantle rocks (Greece): evidence against a supra-subduction origin
Pelletier L, Vils F & Kalt A
(2006) Potential input of light elements into subduction zones –insights from ODP leg 209
Vils F, Pelletier L, Kalt A & Müntener O