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All abstracts by Pablo Pastén in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Arsenic and Copper Sorption in Multi-Component Sorbents: Drinking Water Treatment Residuals in Andean Watersheds
Briso AE, Turri AM, Montecinos M, Vega A, Molinos-Senante M & Pasten P

(2018) Copper Attenuation in a River Confluence Receiving Acid Drainage in Central Chile: Coupling of Physical and Chemical Processes
Montecinos M, Bretier M, Dabrin A, Alsina M, Coquery M & Pastén P

(2018) Legacy Mine Tailings in Urban Areas: Assessing Heavy Metal Exposure from Street Dust
Cortés S, Arce G, Leiva C, Muñoz L, Gutiérrez S, Moya P, Vega A & Pastén P

(2013) An Integrated Geochemical, Hydrological and Hydrodynamic Approach to Model Arsenic at a Fluvial Confluence
Guerra P, Escauriaza C, Gonzalez C, Pizarro G, Morales V & Pasten P

(2012) Chemical-Hydrodynamic Control of Arsenic Mobility at a River Confluence
Guerra P, Gonzalez C, Escauriaza C, Bonilla C, Pizarro G & Pasten P

(2011) Arsenic Mobilization in a High Andean Watershed Impacted by Legacy Mining
Leiva E, Ríos P, Escauriaza C, Bonilla C, Pizarro G & Pastén P

(2011) Arsenic Partition in Redox Gradients Systems with Iron and Sulfur Presence
Vega A, Acevedo S, Leiva E, Rios P, Pizarro G & Pastén P

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