All abstracts by Samuel A Parry in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2012) Organic Matter and Fe Oxide Coatings Reduce the Relevance of Laboratory Rates to Mineral Dissolution in SoilHodson M, Parry S, Kemp S & Oelkers E
(2009) Turning Rock into Soil – Variations in Soil Mineral Reactivity, Surface Area, and Porosity Through the Critical Zone
Parry SA, Hodson ME, Oelkers EH & Kemp SJ
(2007) Impact of Earthworms on Metal Mobility and Availability
Parry S, Ashton H & Hodson ME
(2006) In-situ study of the structure of talc and 10Å phase at high pressure using synchrotron IR and XRD
Parry SA, Pawley AR, Jones RL & Clark SM