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All abstracts by Kei Okamura in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) The Distribution and Origins of Pb Isotopes in the Northeast Indian Ocean
Rojubally Cadinouche SJA, Fukazawa T, Obata H, Okamura K, Nagaishi K, Ishikawa T & Norisuye K

(2008) Unique Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System Associated with Submarine Volcanism in the Aira Caldera, South Kyushu, Japan
Yamanaka T, Maeto K, Akashi H, Yokoyama M, Chiba H, Ishibashi J-I, Nakaseama M, Okamura K, Sugiyama T & Fujino K

(2007) Physicochemical Speciation of Trace Metals during the Mesoscale Iron Enrichment (SEEDS II) in the Western North Pacific
Nakatsuka S, Sohrin Y, Norisuye K, Okamura K, Takeda S & Nishioka J

(2002) Tungsten and Molybdenum in Hydrothermal Fluids of the Izu-Bonin Arc and the Okinawa Trough
Sohrin Y, Kishida K, Okamura K & Ishibashi J-I

(2002) 240Pu/239Pu Isotopic Ratio in the Western Northwest Pacific Ocean
Norisuye K, Okamura K, Sohrin Y, Hasegawa H & Nakanishi T

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