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All abstracts by Martin Oeser in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Lithium in Deep Geothermal Systems: Fluid-Mineral Experiments Under in situ Conditions with Sandstone and Granite Samples
Schmidt K & Oeser M

(2023) Trace Element Diffusion Rates in Olivine: Experimental Data and Observations in Natural Rocks
Oeser M, Dohmen R & Weyer S

(2022) Experimental Investigation of Diffusion-Driven Metal Stable Isotope Fractionation and Trace Element Diffusion Rates in Olivine
Oeser M, Dohmen R & Weyer S

(2022) Depth Profiling by femtosecond-La-(MC-)ICP-MS for the Investigation of Chemical and Isotopic Diffusion Profiles with High Spatial Resolution
Oeser M, Dohmen R, Horn I & Weyer S

(2019) Timescales of Degassing in Rhyolitic Magmas Tracked by Li in Plagioclase
Neukampf J, Ellis B, Laurent O, Steinmann L, Dohmen R, Ubide T, Oeser M, Magna T, Weyer S & Bachmann O

(2019) Correlation of Li Chemical and Isotope Profiles with Fe-Mg Inter-Diffusion in Volcanic Olivines
Steinmann LK, Oeser M & Weyer S

(2019) Hydrothermal Input in Fe-Mn Crusts from Canary Islands Seamount Province: LA-ICP-MS Analyses and Fe Isotopes
Marino E, González FJ, Lunar R, Somoza L, Medialdea T, Kuhn T, Wegorzewski A & Oeser M

(2017) Implications of Fe and Ni Stable Isotope Ratios for the Formation of the Pallasite Parent Body
Chernonozhkin S, Goderis S, Weyrauch M, Costas-Rodrígues M, Oeser M, Horn I, McKibbin S, Weyer S, Claeys P & Vanhaecke F

(2017) New Developments in Li Isotope in situ Analyses with fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS
Steinmann LK, Oeser M, Horn I & Weyer S

(2017) Timescales of Olivine Re-equilibration by Diffusion in Primitive Basalts from Shatsky Rise (IODP Site U1349)
Oeser M, Almeev R & Weyer S

(2015) Fe-Mg Chemical and Isotopic Zoning in Magmatic Crystals: Shapes, Processes, and Time Scales
Oeser M, Dohmen R, Horn I, Schuth S & Weyer S

(2015) Diversity of CB and CH Chondrite Metal
Weyrauch M, Zipfel J, Weyer S & Oeser M

(2015) In situ Li Isotope Analyses of Silicates by femtosecond-LA-MC-ICP-MS
Weyer S, Oeser M & Horn I

(2014) Fe and Mg Isotope Fractionation in Olivine from the NWA 1068 Shergottite
Collinet M, Charlier B, Namur O, Oeser M, Medard E, Vander Auwera J & Weyer S

(2013) Using Coupled Fe-Mg Chemical and Isotopic Diffusion Profiles to Model Magma Residence Times of Crystals
Oeser M, Weyer S, Dohmen R, Horn I & Schuth S

(2011) A Profile of Multiple Sulfur Isotopes for the Oman Ophiolite
Oeser M, Strauss H, Peters M, Wolff E, Koepke J, Garbe-Schönberg D & Dietrich M

(2010) Late Archean Oceanic Redox Fluctuations Revealed by Iron Speciation in the 2.73Ga Old Tumbiana Formation
Thomazo C, Oeser M, Strauss H & Philippot P

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