All abstracts by Kathryn L. Nagy in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) Observing Ion Interactions at Charged Solid-Liquid Interfaces Using X-Rays: From Statics to DynamicsFenter P, Lee SS, Callagon E, Nagy K & Sturchio N
(2014) Exchange Kinetics of Monovalent Cations at the Muscovite (001) – Water Interface
Lee SS, Nagy K, Sturchio N & Fenter P
(2012) In situ Observations of the Formation of a Single-Layer Gibbsite-Like Phase on the Muscovite (001) Surface
Lee SS, Schmidt M, Nagy K & Fenter P
(2012) Interaction of Pb with Calcite (104) Surface in the Presence of EDTA
Callagon E, Lee SS, Fenter P, Nagy K & Sturchio N
(2011) Cation Adsorption at the Muscovite-Electrolyte Solution Interface
Fenter P, Lee SS, Schmidt M, Soderholm L, Wilson R, Park C, Nagy K & Sturchio N
(2010) Aqueous-Mineral Interfaces Toward Extreme Conditions: The Potential Experimental Approaches with Synchrotron X-Ray Probe
Park C, Fenter P, Catalano J, Lee SS, Nagy K & Sturchio N
(2010) Enhanced Dissolution of Cinnabar by Dissolved Organic Matter in Anoxic Solutions
Nagy K & Kerr M
(2010) In situ Observations of Competitive Adsorption of Monovalent Ions at the Muscovite (001)-Water Interface
Lee SS, Park C, Sturchio N, Nagy K & Fenter P
(2010) Extrapolating Investigations of Ion and Molecular Adsorption at the Muscovite (001)-Water Interface to Systems in Earth, Environmental, and Materials Science
Nagy K, Lee SS, Park C, Schlegel M, Cheng L, Sturchio N & Fenter P
(2009) Imaging Cation Adsorption at Aqueous-Mineral Interfaces
Fenter P, Lee SS, Park C, Sturchio NC & Nagy KL
(2009) Mercury(II)-Sulfur Binding in Peat
Nagy K, Manceau A, Ryan J & Aiken G
(2006) Direct observations of ion adsorption and interfacial hydration with resonant anomalous X-ray reflectivity
Fenter P, Park C, Catalano J, Zhang Z, Nagy K & Sturchio N
(2005) The Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter on Cinnabar Dissolution
Nagy K, Waples J, Aiken G & Ryan J
(2005) Interactions between Dissolved Organic Matter and Mercury in Aquatic Environments
Aiken G, Ryan J & Nagy K
(2005) In situ X-Ray Reflectivity Study of the Mica-Fulvic Acid Interface
Lee SS, Nagy KL, Fenter P & Sturchio NC
(2005) Dissolution of Labradorite Feldspar in Alkaline, Sodium Nitrate, and Simplified Hanford Tank Solutions
Bates W, Samson S & Nagy K
(2002) Biotite Dissolution in Simulated Hanford Tank Waste
Samson S & Nagy K
(2002) Atomic-Scale Structure of the Quartz (10-10)- and (10-11)-Water Interfaces
Schlegel ML, Nagy KL, Fenter P & Sturchio NC
(2001) Re Uptake by Precipitating Fe and Al Oxy(Hydr)oxides: An Analog for the Fate of 99Tc in High Level Nuclear Waste
Wakoff B & Nagy KL
(2001) The Effect of Adsorbed Al(OH)4- on the Dissolution Rate of Quartz
Bickmore BR, Nagy KL, Gray AK & Moschetti M
(2001) X-Ray Reflectivity of the Muscovite-Water Interface in CaCl2 and BaCl2 Solutions: Mechanism of Cation Sorption
Schlegel ML, Nagy KL, Fenter P, Cheng L & Sturchio NC
(2001) Dissolution Kinetics of Cinnabar in the Presence of Dissolved Organic Matter
Waples JS, Nagy KL, Aiken GR & Ryan JN
(2001) Structure of Natural Organic Matter Sorbed on Muscovite as Determined by Surface X-Ray Reflectivity
Nagy KL, Schlegel ML, Fenter P & Sturchio NC
(2001) In situ X-Ray Reflectivity Study of the Water-Muscovite (001) Interface
Cheng L, Fenter P, Schlegel ML, Nagy KL & Sturchio NC
(2000) Alteration of Muscovite to a Mg-Clay
Nagy K, Schlegel M, Cheng L, Fenter P & Sturchio N