All abstracts by Adam Mumford in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Microbial Communities and Natural and Enhanced Biodegradation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Arid Region Soils Contaminated with Aqueous Film-Forming FoamsLorah MM, Linhoff B, Akob DM, Harris C, Mumford A, Foeppel J, He K & Blaney L
(2019) Geochemical and Biological Effects of Oil and Gas Wastewater Releases
Cozzarelli I, Akob D, Benthem A, Haase K, Mumford A, Orem W, Skalak K, Engle M, Kent D, Farag A, Harper D, Thamke J, Briggs M & Lane J
(2012) Arsenic Mobility Is Mediated by Bacterial Reduction in New Jersey Shallow Groundwater
Mumford A, Barringer J, Reilly P & Young L
(2010) Potential Role for Bacteria in Arsenic Release to Groundwater
Mumford A, Barringer J, Reilly P & Young L