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All abstracts by Yoshiko Adachi in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2016) Miocene – Pliocene Mantle Depletion Event in the Northern Fossa Magna, Central Japan
Okamura S, Inaba M, Adachi Y & Shinjo R

(2016) Chloritite Bodies from the Oman Ophiolite: A New Aspect of the Hydrothermal System beneath Ocean Ridge Flanks
Miyashita S & Adachi Y

(2015) Contamination of Slab Components into the Incipient Arc Magmatism in the Oman Ophiolite
Kusano Y, Umino S, Shinjo R, Adachi Y, Nagaishi K & Ishikawa T

(2007) Partial Melting of Oceanic Crust: Anatectitites in the Gabbro-Dike Transition of Oman Ophiolite
Miyashita S, Adachi Y & Tanaka S

(2007) Significance of Chloritite Bodies found from the Dike-Gabbro Transision of the Oman Ophiolite
Miyashita S, Adachi Y, Neo N & Tanaka S

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