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All abstracts by Anja Miltner in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Turnover Mass Balance of Bromoxynil in Two German Soils
Namini M, Miltner A, Nowak KM, Telscher M, Seidel E & Kaestner M

(2013) Biomass Residues from Different Classes of Soil Microorganisms are a Significant Source of Soil Organic Matter
Miltner A, Achtenhagen J, Hoffmann-Jäniche C, Schweigert M, Braeckevelt M, Herbst F-A, Seifert J, Fester T & Kästner M

(2013) Influence of Bacterial Biomass on Transport Kinetics of Phenanthrene
Hachicho N, Miltner A, Wick L & Kästner M

(2011) Could Bacterial Residues be an Important Source of SOM? – A Case Study from a Glacier Forefield
Schurig C, Smittenberg R, Berger J, Kothe E, Miltner A & Kaestner M

(2011) The Fate of Organic Pollutants in Soil – Emerging Views on the Relevance of Non-Extractable Residues
Miltner A, Nowak K, Girardi C, Schäffer A & Kästner M

(2009) “Death in Soil” or What can We Learn from Groundwater for the Genesis of Soil Organic Matter
Kaestner M, Miltner A, Bombach P & Schmidt-Brücken B

(2007) Contribution of Bacterial Biomass Components to the Formation of Refractory Soil Organic Matter
Miltner A, Kindler R & Kästner M

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