All abstracts by Alexander Middleton in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Understanding the Role of Phanerozoic and Active Tectonics in Generating Geothermal Resources in Central AustraliaUysal T, Ring U & Middleton A
(2013) Crustal Evolution of the Intracontinental Warburton–Cooper–Eromanga Basin System, Central Australia
Middleton A, Uysal T & Golding S
(2012) Synchysite: Implications for Titanite Destabilisation and Differential REE, Y and Th Mobility in the Soultz Monzogranite
Middleton A, Foerster H-J, Uysal T & Golding S
(2011) Metasomatic Accessory Phases in High Heat-Producing Felsic Igneous Rocks
Middleton A, Golding S & Uysal T