All abstracts by Marco Merlini in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) Structures and Crystal Chemistry of Mantle Minerals from Single Crystal Diffraction at High PressureMerlini M
(2013) Chromium Solubility in Chlorite and Implications for Subduction Zone Dynamics: An Experimental Study in the CrMASH System up to 6.5 GPa, 900℃
Fumagalli P, Fischer J, Gemmi M, Merlini M & Poli S
(2011) Structural Distortion of MgSiO3 Perovskite and the Influence of Fe and Al at Pressures of the Earth's Lower Mantle
Boffa Ballaran T, Kurnosov A, Glazyrin K, Merlini M, Hanfland M & Frost DJ
(2009) High-Pressure Cr Solubility in Chlorites and its Implications for Clinochlore Stability
Fischer J, Merlini M, Fumagalli P & Poli S
(2009) Storage of CO2 in the Upper Mantle: A Solid Solution Model for Ca-Mg-Fe Carbonates
Franzolin E, Schmidt MW, Poli S & Merlini M