All abstracts by Paul Meakin in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Fracture Propagation Driven by Crystal Growth and the Role of Interfacial Fluid ChemistryRøyne A, Meakin P, Malthe-Sørenssen A, Jamtveit B & Dysthe DK
(2011) Reactive Fe(II) and Electron Exchange Dynamics in Iron Oxides
Rosso K, Zarzycki P, Pearce C, Katz J, Gilbert B, Handler R, Scherer M & Meakin P
(2009) The Growth of Pyramids and Pits on Hematite Mediated by Redox Chemistry and Bulk Electron Transport
Meakin P & Rosso K
(2009) Growth of Complex Mineral Surfaces with and Without Fluid Flow
Jamtveit B, Hammer Ø, Dysthe D, Meakin P & Jettestuen E
(2005) Fast Kinetic Monte Carlo Models for Defect Controlled Dissolution of Multiple Etch Pits
Meakin P, Rosso K & Yanina S
(2005) Defect Distribution and Dissolution Morphologies on Low-Index Surfaces of Alpha-Quartz
Yanina S, Rosso K & Meakin P