All abstracts by Bradley McDonald in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) Re-Os Isotope and Trace Elements Study of Black Shales and Nodular Pyrites Associated with Massive Sulphides in the Nimbus VHMS System, Western AustraliaBarrote V, Tessalina S, McNaughton N, Evans N & McDonald B
(2018) Zircon Evidence for Eclogite Facies Metamorphism at 3.9 Ga
Cavosie AJ, Spencer C, Evans NJ, McDonald B, Reddy SM, Wilde SA, Talavera C, Cameron EM, Valley JW, Fournelle J & Ushikubo T
(2016) In situ 190Pt-4He Dating of Platinum Mineralization
Yakubovich O, Danišík M, Mochalov A, McDonald B, Sluzhenikin S, Evans N & Mclnnes B
(2016) Visualizing He Distribution in Zircon by Laser Ablation Noble Gas Mass-Spectrometry: Implications for (U-Th)/He Geochronology and Thermochronology
Danišík M, McInnes B, McDonald B, Kirkland C, Evans N & Becker T
(2012) A Tertiary Record of Australian Plate Motion from Ages of Diamondiferous Alkalic Intrusions
McInnes B, Evans N, Jourdan F, McDonald B, Gorter J, Mayers C & Wilde S
(2011) Post-Depositional Thermal History of the 4364–3060Ma Zircon-Bearing Metasandstones of the Illaara and Maynard Hills Granite Greenstone Belts, Western Australia
Thern E, Jourdan F, Evans N, McDonald B, Danisik M, Frew A & Nelson D
(2010) Tectonothermal History of the Black Forest (Germany): A Triple Dating Approach on a Single Apatite Sample
Danisik M, Pfaff K, Evans N, Manoloukos C, Staude S, McDonald B & Markl G
(2010) U-Th-Pb-He Double-Dating of Zircon from the Diamondiferous Ellendale Lamproite Pipe, Western Australia
McInnes B, Evans N, McDonald B, Thern E & Corbett D
(2008) Double Dating of Zircon via SHRIMP U/Pb and (U-Th)/He Methods
McInnes B, Evans N, McDonald B & Jakimowicz J
(2006) (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry of Supergene Base Metal Ores and Implications for Namibian Paleoclimate
Evans N, Boni M, McInnes B & McDonald B