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All abstracts by Joyce M. McBeth in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Geochemistry of Arsenic Trioxide Roaster Waste at the Former Giant Mine, NWT, Canada
Schoepfer VA, Hayatifar A, Jamieson HE, McBeth JM & Lindsay MBJ

(2021) Arsenic and Antimony Speciation of Historical Roaster Waste Samples from the Giant Mine, Yellowknife, Canada
Lum JE, McBeth JM, Schoepfer VA, Radková AB, Jamieson HE, Walls MTRP & Lindsay MBJ

(2012) Investigating Marine Corrosion Communities Using Tagged Pyrosequencing and Single Cell Genomics
McBeth J & Emerson D

(2010) Marine Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria and Steel Corrosion
McBeth JM, Farrar KM, Fleming EJ, Ray RI, Little BJ & Emerson D

(2008) Redox Interactions of Technetium with Fe(II) Mineral Phases
McBeth JM, Morris K, Boothman C, Begg JDC, Burke IT, Charnock JM, Livens FR & Lloyd JR

(2008) Impact of Microbial Fe3+ & SO42- Reduction on Arsenic Solid-Phase Cycling in Fe- and As-Rich Sediment
Handley K, Bootman C, McBeth J, Charnock J, Wincott P, Vaughan D, Polya D & Lloyd J

(2007) Evaluating Magnetic Suceptibility as a Rapid Scoping Tool for Assessing Trace Metal Contaminated Soils
Polya D, Zananiri I, Kondoloupou D, Atzemoglou M, Lythgoe P, Charnock J, McBeth J, Fraser S & Gault A

(2002) Fatty Acids and Stable Carbon Isotopes of a Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium: Implications for Carbon Cycling in Organic-Rich Marine Sediments
McBeth J, Giles B, Ye Q, Li Y-L, Zhang C & Wall J

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