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All abstracts by Ulrich Mayer in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2019) Mobilization of Metal(oid) Oxyanions Through Circumneutral Mine Waste-Rock Drainage
Vriens B, Skierszkan E, St-Arnault M, Mayer U & Beckie R

(2019) Numerical Modeling of Mass Loadings from Waste Rock Piles Affected by Heterogeneity and Structure
Raymond K, Mayer U, Seigneur N & Su D

(2018) Geochemical Controls on Mine Waste Drainage Quality: Long-Term Monitoring of Waste Rock Weathering at the Antamina Mine, Peru
Vriens B, Peterson H, Laurenzi L, Smith L, Mayer U & Beckie R

(2017) Reactive Transport in Evolving Porous Media – Challenges and Opportunities
Mayer KU

(2017) Molybdenum Stable Isotopic Variations Indicate Mo Attenuation in Sulfidic Mine Waste Rock
Skierszkan E, Stockwell J, Dockrey J, Weis D, Beckie R & Mayer U

(2017) Processes Controlling Phosphate Acquisition by Plants as Revealed by Coupled Root System-Reactive Transport Modelling
Gérard F, Bea S, Pagès L, Hinsinger P & Mayer U

(2014) Bacteria-Mineral Interactions at Sulfide Surfaces in Carbonate- Bearing Waste Rock
Dockrey J, Lindsay M, Mayer U, Beckie R, Norlund K, Warren L & Southam G

(2014) Introducing a New Technique to Distinguish between Surface and Transport Controlled Mineral Dissolution
De Baere B, Francois R & Mayer U

(2014) Introducing a Flow-Through Technique to Aid Predict Drainage Quality from Mine Waste: A Case Study
De Baere B, Francois R, Mayer U & Mattson B

(2014) Reactive Transport Benchmarks for Multicomponent Diffusion and Electrical Double Layer Transport
Steefel C, Alt-Epping P, Rasouli P, Mayer U, Jenni A, Rolle M, Tournassat C, Navarre-Sitchler A & Beisman J

(2014) Benchmarking the Simulation of Microbial Cr(VI) Reduction and Cr Isotope Fractionation
Wanner C, Molins S, Druhan J, Greskowiak J, Amos R, Mayer U, Alt-Epping P & Steefel C

(2014) Investigating Mine-Drainage Geochemistry Using Stable Isotopes of Molybdenum and Zinc
Skierszkan E, Amini M, Weis D, Beckie R & Mayer U

(2013) Enhancing CO2 Sequestration in Mg-Rich Mine Tailings
Harrison AL, Power IM, Wilson SA, Dipple GM & Mayer KU

(2013) Measuring Mineral Dissolution Kinetics Using an Automated Flow-Through Module
De Baere B, Mayer U & Francois R

(2012) Reactive Transport Modeling of Sr-90 Sorption in Reactive Sandpacks
Yin J, Mayer U & Jeen S-W

(2012) Characterizing Vadose Zone Hydrocarbon Biodegradation Using CO2 Effluxes, Isotopes, and Reactive Transport Modeling
Sihota N & Mayer U

(2011) The Role of Multicomponent Diffusion and Electromigration for Reactive Transport in Porous Media
Rasouli P, Mayer U & Bea S

(2011) Geochemical Impact of Seepage from a Canadian Oil Sands Tailings Pond: A Radial Diffusion Cell Study
Holden A, Mayer U & Ulrich A

(2005) Trace-Metal Mobility during KMnO<->4<$> Oxidation of TCE: Column Experiments
Banks V, Al T, Loomer D, Parker B & Mayer U

(2002) Constraining Reactive Transport Models Using Mineralogical Data
Mayer U & Blowes D

(2002) Relation between Redox Processes in Groundwater and an Adjacent Lake at an Abandoned Mine Site
Ptacek CJ, Moncur MC, Blowes DW, Jambor JL & Mayer UK

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