All abstracts by Andreas Lückge in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) Indian Monsoon and Westerlies during the Holocene – Consequences for the Oxygen Minimum Zone in the NE Arabian SeaBurdanowitz N, Emeis K-C, Gaye B, Lückge A & Rixen T
(2017) Reconstructing the Variability of the SE Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone Using Geochemical Proxies in Benthic Foraminifera
Reyes Macaya DA, Hebbeln D, Hoogakker B, Martínez Méndez G, Mohtadi M, Lückge A, Lu Z, Kuhnert H & De Pol Holz R
(2012) North Atlantic's Hold on the Earth's Asymmetric Climate
Haug GH, Deplazes G, Hamann Y, Luckge A, Peterson LC & Sigman DM
(2009) ITCZ-Monsoonal Climate Variability during the Last 80'000 Years (Cariaco Basin, Northern Arabian Sea)
Deplazes G, Haug GH & Lückge A
(2007) Oxygen Isotopes from Diatom Silica and their Utility for Palaeothermometry
Moschen R, Lücke A, Parplies J & Schleser GH
(2000) Three Distinct Fluid Systems at the Costa Rica Subduction Zone: Chemistry, Hydrology, and Fluxes
Kastner M, Morris J, Chan L, Saether O, Luckge A & Silver E