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All abstracts by Zheng-Tian Lu in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) 81Kr Dating of 1 kg Antarctic Ice
Lu Z-T, Ritterbusch F, Wang J, Feng X, Shackleton SA, Brook E, Higgins JA, Jia Z-H, Jiang W, Severinghaus JP, Sun L-T, Yang G-M & Zhao L

(2023) Developments of 39Ar Dating by Atom Trap Trace Analysis
Yang G-M, Chu Y-Q, Dong X-Z, Hu S-M, Hu W-K, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Ritterbusch F & Wan Z-F

(2023) Atom-Trap Trace Analysis of 41Ca/Ca Down to the 10-17 Level
Sun W, Xia T-Y, Ebser S, Jiang W, Yang G-M, Zhu H-M, Fu Y-C, Huang F, Ming G-D, Xia T & Lu Z-T

(2023) Unraveling the Paleo-Hydrology of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer Using Dissolved Noble Gases
Ram R, Seltzer AM, Adar EM, Solomon DK, Yokochi R, Purtschert R, Yechieli Y, Burg A, Aeschbach W, Zappala JC, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Mueller P & Reznik IJ

(2023) What can 81Kr and Other Environmental Tracers Tell us About Paleoclimate in the Pleistocene: An Example from the South-Western Great Artesian Basin, Australia
Love AJ, Purtschert R, Jang W, Lu Z-T, Yang G, Fulton S, Wohling D, Shand P, Aeschbach W, Broeder L, Mueller P, Tosaki Y, McCallum J, Chmielarski M & Xie Y

(2023) New Frontiers for 81Kr-Dating
Li H, Yan J, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Ritterbusch F & Yang G

(2022) Extending the 81Kr-Dating Range Down to 10 ka
Jiang W, Li H, Tong AL, Gu J-Q, Chu Y-Q, Dong X-Z, Hu S-M, Jia Z-H, Liu J-L, Lu Z-T, Ritterbusch F, Sun L-T & Yang G-M

(2022) A Multi-Tracers Mixing-Cells Model Identified and Quantified Active Recharge into a Deep Nubian Sandstone "Fossil" Aquifer
Adar EM, Atencio B, Ram R, Burg A, Yokochi R, Yechieli Y, Purtschert R, Lu Z-T & Jiang W

(2021) Upper Age Limit of Cosmogenic 39Ar Dating Extended to 1, 800 Years
Jiang W, Tong AL, Gu J-Q, Chu Y-Q, Dong X-Z, Hu S-M, Lu Z-T, Ritterbusch F, Sun L-T & Yang G-M

(2021) Atom Trap Trace Analysis of Ca-41 Samples at 1e-15 Abundance Level
Xia T-Y, Sun W-W, Ebser S, Jiang W, Xia T & Lu Z-T

(2020) The Hydrogeochemical Evolution of Basinal Fluids in the Paradox Basin: Implications for Sources, Flowpaths, and Residence Time
Kim J-H, Noyes C, Dell'Oro A, Tyne R, Ferguson G, Person M, Ma L, Lu Z-T, Jiang W, Yang G-M, Ballentine C, Reiners P & McIntosh J

(2018) Determining the Absolute Abundance of Atmospheric 81Kr
Zappala J, Baggenstos D, Bishof M, Gerber C, Jiang W, Kennedy M, Lu Z-T, Mueller P, Purtschert R & Visser A

(2018) New Developments at the Laboratory for Radiokrypton and Radioargon Dating at USTC
Jiang W, Yang G-M, Ritterbusch F, Chu Y-Q, Dong X-Z, Gu J-Q, Hu S-M, Landais A, Lipenkov V, Lu Z-T, Stenni B & Tong A

(2017) Sampling and Sample Preparation for Radiokrypton Dating of Groundwater, Glacier Ice and Ocean Water
Ritterbusch F, Yang G-M, Zhao L, Dong X-Z, Gu J-Q, Hu S-M, Jiang W, Lu Z-T & Tong A-M

(2017) Underground Production of 81Kr Detected in Subsurface Fluids
Purtschert R, Onstott T, Lu Z-T, Jiang W, Müller P, Zappala J, Yokochi R, Van-Heerden E, Lau M, Kieft T, Brennwald M & Cason E

(2017) A New Laboratory for Radiokrypton and Radioargon Dating
Jiang W, Yang G-M, Ritterbusch F, Dong X-Z, Gu J-Q, Hu S-M, Liu J-L, Lu Z-T, Sun L-T & Tong A-M

(2016) Towards Kr-81 Dating with 20kg of Water
Yang G, Jiang W, Gu J, Hu S & Lu Z

(2016) Field Degassing as a New Sampling Method for 14C Analyses in Groundwater
Bernier R, Yokochi R, Yechieli Y, Purtschert R, Adar E, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Mueller P, Ram R & Zappala J

(2016) Noble Gas Radioisotope Constraints on Age of Ice Cover of West Lake Bonney, Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Cronin K, Doran P, Purtschert R, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Mueller P & Sturchio N

(2016) Atom-Trap Method for Radio-Krypton and Radio-Argon Dating of Water and Ice
Lu Z-T

(2014) Dating Groundwater in the Western Great Artesain Basin, Australia
Love A, Purtschert R, Shand P, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Tosaki Y, Fulton S, Wohllng D, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Broder L & Kipfer R

(2014) 81Kr: A New Tracer of Old Groundwater Flow
Lu Z-T, Jiang W, Zappala J, Bailey K, Mueller P & O'Connor T

(2013) 81Kr Concentrations in Deep Fracture Waters of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
Purtschert R, Onstott T, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Müller P, van Heerden E, Erasmus M, Borgonie G, Linage B, Kuloyo O, Kipfer R, Brennwald M, Visser B, Maphanga S & Joubert L

(2013) Radiometric 81Kr Dating Reveals 120, 000 Year Old Ice at Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
Buizert C, Baggenstos D, Jiang W, Purtschert R, Petrenko V, Brook E, Lu Z-T, Mueller P & Severinghaus J

(2012) Noble Gas Radionuclides in Yellowstone Geothermal Gases
Sturchio NC, Yokochi R, Purtschert R, Jiang W, Yang G-M, Mueller P, Lu Z-T, Kennedy BM & Kharaka Y

(2012) 81Kr-Dating is now Available
Lu Z-T, Jiang W, Sharma A, Bailey K, Mueller P, O'Connor T, Hu S-M, Purtschert R & Sturchio N

(2012) Dating Old Groundwater by Multiple Tracers Including Krypton 81
Love A, Purtschert R, Lu Z-T, Fulton S, Shand P, Jiang W, Mueller P, Yang G-M, Wohling D, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Broder L, Kipfer R, Priestley S, Gueutin P & Tosaki Y

(2011) Reaching Part-Per-Quadrillion: Detection of 39Ar in Environmental Samples Using ATTA
Lu Z-T, Bailey K, Davis A, Hu S-M, Jiang W, Mueller P, O'Connor T, Purtschert R, Sturchio N, Sun Y & Williams W

(2009) Noble Gas Radionuclides and ATTA in Hydrology: State of the art
Sturchio N, Yokochi R, Lu Z-T, Purtschert R, Bailey K, Cheng C, Davis A, Ding Y, Dunford R, Hu S-M, Jiang W, Mueller P, O'Connor T, Williams W & Young L

(2008) 81Kr Dating and 85Kr Dating
Ding Y, Lu Z-T, Davis A, Dunford R, Hu S-M, Jiang W, Mueller P, Purtschert R, Sturchio N, Young L, Bailey K, O'Connor T & Yokochi R

(2006) Radiokrypton Analysis in the 21st Century: Development and Application of a Laser Atom Trap
Sturchio N, Lu Z-T, Mueller P, Bailey K, O'connor T, Yokochi R & Probst P

(2002) Residence Time of Nubian Aquifer Water, Western Desert, Egypt
Sturchio NC, Sultan M, Lu ZT, Du X, Lehmann BE & Purtschert R

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