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All abstracts by Kenneth Lowe in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Landscape and Hydrologic Controls on Solute Dynamics in Non-Perennial Headwater Streams
Berens MJ, Gu X, Johs A, Brooks SC, Lowe K, Yin X, Griffiths NA, Kurz MJ, Pierce EM & Herndon E

(2010) In situ Biostimulation of U(VI) Reduction and Immobilization Using Emulsified Vegetable Oil
Wu W, Watson D, Mehlhorn T, Earles J, Boyanov M, Gihring T, Schadt C, Lowe K, Phillips J, Kemner K, Spalding B, Criddle C, Jardine P & Brooks S

(2010) Changes in Microbial Community Structure and Activity during Amendment with Long-Term Electron Donor Sources for Bioreduction of Groundwater Contaminants
Gihring T, Schadt C, Zhang G, Yang Z, Carroll S, Lowe K, Mehlhorn T, Jardine P, Watson D, Brooks S, Wu W, Kostka J, Overholt W, Green S, Zhou J, Zhang P & Von Nostrand J

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