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All abstracts by Lars Lövgren in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2013) Monodentate Inner–sphere Coordination of Arsenate and Phosphate Anions, Stabilized by Hydrogen Bonding, at the Goethite/Water Interface
Lövgren L, Nelson H & Sjöberg S

(2011) Metal Attenuation in Tailings
Hedlund T, Lövgren L & Karlsson T

(2011) Precipitation and Surface Complexation in Systems Containing Cu(II), As(V) and Goethite
Nelson H, Sjöberg S & Lövgren L

(2011) Phase Transformation in Simulated Acid Mine Drainage Precipitates
Lindegren M & Lövgren L

(2007) Surface Complexation Modeling of the Adsorption of Both Arsenate and Copper to the Surface of Goethite
Nelson H, Sjöberg S & Lövgren L

(2005) A Comparative Study of the Dissolution of Hydroxyapatite and Fluorapatite in the Absence and Presence of Organic Ligands
Bengtsson Å, Lövgren L, Sjöberg S & Persson P

(2004) A Kinetic and Spectroscopic Study of Fluorapatite Dissolution
Bengtsson Å, Persson P, Shchukarev A, Boström D & Lövgren L

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