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All abstracts by Ming-Chang Liu in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Al-Mg Isotopic Study of Fine-Grained Refractory Inclusions
Han J, Matsuda N, Liu M-C, Park C & Keller LP

(2024) Developments in the Chronology of Aqueous Alteration in the era of Sample Return Missions
McCain KA, Matsuda N, Liu M-C, Ito M & McKeegan KD

(2022) Reconstructing Paleo-Methane Emission Using the Benthic Foraminiferal Stable Sulfur Isotopes
Borrelli C, Gabitov R, Liu M-C, Hertwig A & Panieri G

(2021) An in situ O Isotopic Study of Aqueous Alteration Products in the Alais CI Chondrite
McCain KA, Liu M-C & McKeegan KD

(2020) δ94/90Zr Variations in Granites
Kirkpatrick H, Harrison M, Liu M-C, Bell E, Tissot F & Ibañez-Mejia M

(2019) In situ d94/90Zr Variations in Zircon
Kirkpatrick H, Harrison TM, Liu M-C, Tissot F & Ibanez-Mejia M

(2019) Discovery of Shocked Zircons Confirms a Cryogenian Impact Origin of the Beaverhead Structure in Central Idaho
Economos R, Blackwell D, Snyder E, Das S, Basu A, Summerlin E & Liu M-C

(2019) The Timing of Early Solar System Reservoir Separation
Jacobsen B, Liu M-C, Hertwig A, Marks N, McKeegan K, Kruijer T & Borg L

(2018) Origin of Si and O Isotope Heterogeneities in Igneous Zircon
Trail D, Boehnke P, Liu M-C, Savage P, Miller M & Bindeman I

(2018) The Boron Isotopic Composition of Chondrules
Liu M-C & Chaussidon M

(2017) Determining the Abundance of 247Cm in the Early Solar System: Implications for the R-Process of Nucleosynthesis
Tissot F, Tang H, Dauphas N, Grossman L, Liu M-C & McKeegan K

(2009) Sulfur Isotopic Fractionation during the Differentiation of Mars
Shahar A, Fei Y, Liu M-C & Wang J

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