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All abstracts by Ingo Leya in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) The Age of KREEP
Dauphas N, Zhang ZJ, Chen XC, Barboni M, Szymanowski D, Schoene B, Leya I & McKeegan KD

(2023) Northwest Africa 13188: A Possible Meteorite... From Earth!
Gattacceca J, Debaille V, Devouard B, Leya I, Jourdan F, Braucher R, Roland J, Pourkhorsandi H, Goderis S & Jambon A

(2021) The Effect of Early Irradiation and Volatility on 54Cr and 53Cr Abundances in Components of EH3 Chondrites
Kadlag Y, Hirtz J, Becker H, Leya I & Mezger K

(2020) Galactic Cosmic-Ray Effects on Fe and Ni Isotopes in Iron Meteorites
Cook D, Leya I & Schönbächler M

(2018) A New Decay Constant for 184Os and Evidence for P-Process Heterogeneity of 180W in Iron Meteorites
Cook DL, Smith T, Leya I, Hilton C, Walker RJ & Schönbächler M

(2017) Pd-Ag Chronology of IVB Iron Meteorites
Matthes M, Leya I & Kleine T

(2017) Excess 180W in Iron Meteorites: Cosmogenic or Radiogenic?
Cook DL, Smith T, Leya I, Hilton C, Walker RJ & Schönbächler M

(2016) Effects of Galactic Cosmic Rays on Nickel Isotopes in Iron Meteorites
Cook DL, Leya I & Schönbächler M

(2016) Cosmogenic Effects on Chromium Isotopes in the Iron Meteorites
Liu J, Qin L, Xia J, Leya I & Carlson R

(2015) Pd-Ag Evidence for Rapid Cooling of the IIIAB Iron Meteorite Parent Body
Matthes M, Fischer-Gödde M, Kruijer T, Leya I & Kleine T

(2015) Tracing the Origin and Evolution of Volatile Elements in the Inner Solar System by Selenium Isotopes
Vollstaedt H, Mezger K & Leya I

(2011) Hf-W Evidence for Rapid Accretion and Core Formation in Protoplanets
Kruijer T, Sprung P, Kleine T, Leya I & Wieler R

(2010) Cosmic-Ray Exposure History of Pallasite Metal
Cook D, Herzog G, Huber L & Leya I

(2009) Noble Gases in the Ureilites Kenna and RaS 247
Cosarinsky M, Trappitsch R, Hofmann B & Leya I

(2009) Titanium Isotopes in the Solar System
Leya I, Schönbächler M, Krähenbühl U & Halliday AN

(2009) The 81Kr-Kr Dating Technique for Meteorites
Dalcher N, Leya I, Welten KC, Nishiizumi K & Wieler R

(2009) First Results of a New Time-Of-Flight Noble Gas Mass Spectrometer
Huber L, Abplanalp D, Wurz P & Leya I

(2007) Electrodynamic Disaggregation of Geologic Material
Gnos E, Kurz D, Leya I & Eggenberger U

(2002) Nucleosynthesis by Spallation Reactions in the Early Solar System
Leya I, Wieler R & Halliday AN

(2001) Detection of Cosmogenic Tungsten on the Moon
Lee D-C, Halliday AN, Leya I & Wieler R

(2000) The Influence of Cosmic Ray Production on Extinct Nuclide Systems
Leya I, Wieler R & Halliday AN

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