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All abstracts by Michael Lewan in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2011) Asphaltene Content as a Measure of Oil Losses Related to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Lewan M, Warden A, Dias R, Lowry Z, Hannah T, Kokaly R, Hoefen T, Swayze G, Mills C, Harris S, Plumlee G & Marshall B

(2011) Analogues between Water in Granite Melts and Petroleum Formation
Lewan M

(2009) Copper Isotope Ratios of Kupferschiefer Shales and Generated Oils by Hydrous Pyrolysis
Pribil M, Ridley W, Kotarba M & Lewan M

(2009) Vanadium, Nickel, and Uranium Associations with Petroleum and Source Rocks
Lewan M

(2008) Source of Heavy Oils and Tars in the Athabasca Oil Sands Based on Geochemistry and 4-D Basin Modeling
Lewan M, Higley-Feldman D, Roberts L & Henry M

(2005) Experimental Investigations of the Kinetics of Bitumen Generation
Cruse A & Lewan M

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