All abstracts by Gareth Law in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Redox Behaviour of Selenium in Sediment Columns Representative of the Sellafield Nuclear SiteHo M, Bower W, Law G & Morris K
(2019) Plutonium Mobilization from Estuary Sediments, Ravenglass, UK
Balboni E, Merino N, Begg J, Law G & Kersting AB
(2018) Plutonium Leaching from Cemented Radioactive Waste
Law K, Parry S, Bryan N, Heald S, Charnock J, Heath S, Knight D, O'Brian L, Fuller A, Law G & Livens F
(2018) Novel Method to Quantify Radioactive Cesium-Rich Microparticles in the Environment from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Ikehara R, Suetake M, Komiya T, Furuki G, Ochiai A, Yamasaki S, Bower W, Law G, Ohnuki T, Grambow B, Ewing R & Utsunomiya S
(2017) Micron-Scale U Distribution in Organic Soil
Fuller A, Mosselmans F, Livens F, Bower W & Law G
(2017) Systematic Variations in U Isotope Ratios of Sediments from Reactive Transport of U
Basu A, Brown S, Law G & DePaolo D
(2017) Uranium(VI) and Neptunium(V) Reduction and Sorption during Fe(II)/Fe(III) (Oxyhydr)oxide Formation
Roberts H, Morris K, Law G, Bots P, Mosselmans F, Kvashnina K & Shaw S
(2017) Isotopic Signature and Nano-Scale Texture of Cesium-Rich Micro-Particles: Release of Uranium and Fission Products from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Imoto J, Ochiai A, Furuki G, Ikehara R, Suetake M, Horie K, Takehara M, Yamasaki S, Nanba K, Ohnuki T, Law G, Grambow B, Ewing R & Utsunomiya S
(2015) Imaging 99Tc Bioreduction in Sediment Columns
Thorpe C, Lloyd J, Law G, Williams H, Atherton N & Morris K
(2015) Incorporation of Technetium-99 into Nanoparticulate Magnetite
Shaw S, Marshall T, Morris K, Law G, Bots P & Mosselmans F
(2015) Uranium Incorporation into Magnetite with Varying Fe(II)/Fe(III) and U Concentration
Roberts H, Law G, Morris K, Mosselmans F & Shaw S
(2015) Speciation of Iodine during Biocycling in Model Sediment and Mineral Systems
Guido-Garcia F, Law G, Lloyd J & Morris K
(2015) Transport and Accumulation of Stable Metals and Radionuclides in Loch Etive and Anglesey
Al-Qasmi H, Law G, Fifield K, Bryan N & Livens F
(2015) Controls on the Fate and Speciation of Np(V) during Iron (Oxyhydr)oxide Crystallisation
Bots P, Shaw S, Law G, Marshall T, Mosselmans F & Morris K
(2014) BIGRAD: Uranium(VI) Nanoparticles in Geodisposal Relevant Conditions
Bots P, Morris K, Hibberd R, Smith K, Law G, Mosselmans F, Brown A, Doutch J, Smith A & Shaw S
(2014) Neptunium Biogeochemistry Across the Nuclear Waste Legacy
Law G, Williamson A, Thorpe C, Bots P, Boothman C, Shaw S, Livens F, Rothe J, Dardenne K, Denecke M, Lloyd J & Morris K
(2013) Uranyl on Mg-Rich Minerals: Polarisation Dependent EXAFS
van Veelen A, Copping R, Law GTW, Smith AJ, Bargar JR, Shuh DK & Wogelius RA
(2013) Spectroscopic Studies of Radionuclide Adsorption and Diffusion
Wogelius R, van Veelen A, Zou B, Bargar J, Brown, Jr. G, Grime G & Law G
(2012) Uranium Incorporation during Iron (Oxyhydr)oxide Crystallisation at Hyperalkaline pH
Marshall T, Law G, Morris K, Mosselmans F & Shaw S
(2012) Microbial Transformation of Radionuclides – The Radionuclide Biomineral Interface
Morris K, Brookshaw D, Evans V, Thorpe CL, Williamson A, Law G, Rizoulis A, Livens FR & Lloyd JR
(2012) Neptunium Biogeochemistry and the Manganese Cycle
Law G, Thorpe C, Shaw S, Atkins A, Peacock C, Livens F, LLoyd J, Denecke M, Dardenne K & Morris K
(2012) Enhanced Radionuclide Capture by Bioreduced Biotite and Chlorite
Brookshaw DR, Morris K, Lloyd JR, Pattrick RAD, Law GT & Vaughan DJ
(2012) Microbial Reduction of U(VI) at Alkaline pH Relevant to Geological Disposal
Williamson A, Morris K, Law G, Shaw S & Lloyd J
(2011) Uranyl Coordination Chemistry on Magnesite and Brucite Surfaces: Polarisation Dependent EXAFS
van Veelen A, Law GTW, Smith AJ, Bargar JR, Rogers J & Wogelius RA
(2011) Impact of Microbial Metabolism on Radionuclide Solubility in Natural and Engineered Environments
Lloyd J, Geissler A, Law G, Thorpe C, Evans V, Brown A, Kimber R, Brookshaw D, Boothman C, Livens F & Morris K
(2011) Strontium Behaviour during Bioreduction in Nitrate Impacted Sediments
Thorpe CL, Lloyd JR, Morris K, Burke IT, Shaw S & Law GTW
(2010) Neptunium Redox Cycling in Sediments – An XAS Study
Law G, Geissler A, Livens F, Denecke M, Lloyd J & Morris K
(2010) The Interactions of Neptunium with Fe(II) Bearing Biogenic Mineral Phases
Morris K, Law G, Geissler A, Livens F, Denecke M, Burke I & Lloyd J
(2009) Uranium and Neptunium Interactions with Biogenic Iron Minerals
Law G, Geissler A, Lloyd J, Burke I, Livens F, Denecke M, Dardenne K & Morris K
(2009) Microbial Reduction of Toxic Metals: From Pristine to Extreme
Lloyd J, Coker V, Cutting R, Geissler A, Handley K, Law G, Livens F, Morris K, Pattrick R, Pearce C, Polya D & Vaughan D
(2008) Redox Controls on Tc, U, Np, and Pu Behaviour in Sediments
Law G, Geissler A, Lloyd J, Burke I, Livens F, Boothman C & Morris K