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All abstracts by Lotte Melchior Larsen in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2009) Osmium Isotope Insights into High 3He/4He Mantle and Convecting Mantle in the North Atlantic
Dale CW, Pearson DG, Starkey NA, Stuart FM, Ellam RM, Larsen LM, Fitton JG & Macpherson CG

(2008) The Origin of the High 3He/4He, High Temperature Early Iceland Plume
Starkey N, Stuart F, Ellam R, Fitton G, Basu S & Larsen L

(2007) No Role for Discrete, Depleted High 3He/4He Mantle
Starkey N, Stuart F, Ellam R, Fitton G, Basu S & Larsen L

(2007) The Paleocene Volcanic Succession in West Greenland: Compositions, Volumes, and Mantle Sources
Larsen LM & Pedersen AK

(2004) The Paleocene Picritic Vaigat Formation, Disko and Nuussuaq, West Greenland: Separate Evolution of Sources, Conduit Systems, and Contamination Events
Larsen L & Pedersen A

(2001) Enriched Alkaline Lavas within a Depleted Picrite Succession: Melting of Old Lithosphere Induced by Passing Asthenospheric Melts, Paleocene of West Greenland
Larsen LM, Pedersen AK, Sundvoll B & Frei R

(2001) Lipids and Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry of Gas Hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico
Zhang CL, Sassen R, Peacock A, White DC, Huang Y, Wall JD & Larsen L

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