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All abstracts by Alexander Kurnosov in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Does Pressure Promote Fe3+-Al Disordering in Lower Mantle Bridgmanite?
Criniti G, Boffa Ballaran T, Ishii T, Chanyshev A, Kurnosov A, Aprilis G, Pakhomova A, Fedotenko T, Walter MJ & Frost DJ

(2021) Deuterium Content and Site Occupancy in Iron Sulphide at High Pressure and High Temperature: Implications for the Oxidation of Early Earth’s Mantle
Abeykoon S, Howard C, Dominijanni S, Eberhard L, Frost D, Boffa Ballaran T, Kurnosov A, Terasaki H, Sakamaki T, Suzuki A, Ohtani E, Sano-Furukawa A & Abe J

(2021) High-Pressure Phase Transition and Equation of State of Hydrous Aluminous Silica
Criniti G, Ishii T, Kurnosov A, Glazyrin K & Boffa Ballaran T

(2019) The Elastic Properties of MgSiO3-akimotoite at Transition Zone Pressures
Siersch NC, Kurnosov A, Boffa Ballaran T, Criniti G, Ishii T & Frost D

(2019) Earth’s Lower Mantle Elasticity from Mineral-Physics Constraints
Kurnosov A, Criniti G, Boffa Ballaran T, Marquardt H & Frost DJ

(2017) Comparative Brillouin Spectroscopy Measurements Suggest that Water May be Seismically Invisible in Earth’s Transition Zone
Marquardt H, Schulze K, Kurnosov A, Boffa Ballaran T, Kawazoe T & Koch-Müller M

(2016) The Redox State of the Earth’s Lower Mantle
Frost D, Kurnosov A, Boffa Ballaran T, Marquardt H, Armstrong K & Myhill R

(2016) Pre Melting in Rare Gases
Pamato MG, Vocadlo L, Dobson DP, Wood IG, Kurnosov A, Pakhomova A & Boffa Ballaran T

(2015) The Influence of Iron Partitioning on Seismic Wave Velocities in the Lower Mantle
Frost D, Kurnosov A, Boffa Ballaran T, Marquardt H, Ziberna L & Chantel J

(2015) Single-Crystal Elastic Properties of Mg0.88Fe0.12Si0.09Al0.11O3 – Bridgmanite at High Pressure
Kurnosov A, Marquardt H, Boffa Ballaran T & Frost D

(2015) P-V-T of Complex Garnet Solid Solutions up to 16 GPa and 800K
Beyer C, Boffa-Ballaran T, Kurnosov A & Frost D

(2015) Direct Quantification of the Effects of Iron Content and Hydration on the High-Pressure Elasticity of Single-Crystal Ringwoodite
Schulze K, Marquardt H, Kawazoe T, Koch-Müller M, Kurnosov A & Boffa Ballaran T

(2015) Internally Consistent High-Pressure Elasticity of Single-Crystal (Mg, Fe)2SiO4 Wadsleyite
Buchen J, Marquardt H, Kawazoe T, Kurnosov A & Boffa Ballaran T

(2015) Elastic Properties of High Pressures Ices and their Implication for the Evolution of Icy Satellites
Pakhomova A, Boffa Ballaran T, Kurnosov A, Frost DJ & Leoni M

(2014) Elasticity Measurements on Magnesium Silicate Perovskite and the Chemical Composition of the Lower Mantle
Frost D, Kurnosov A, Boffa Ballaran T, Pamato M & Chantel J

(2013) Single Crystal Elasticity of the Na<sub>1.07</sub>Mg<sub>1.58</sub>Al<sub>4.91</sub>Si<sub>1.26</sub>O12 NAL Phase and Seismic Heterogeneity in the Deep Mantle
Pamato MG, Kurnosov A, Boffa Ballaran T, Trots DM, Caracas R & Frost DJ

(2013) Single-Crystal Elastic Properties of Fe<sub>0.04</sub>Mg<sub>0.96</sub>SiO3 – Perovskite at High Pressure
Kurnosov A, Trots D, Boffa Ballaran T & Frost D

(2012) The Composition of the Lower Mantle Constrained by Experiments on the Elasticity of Magnesium Silicate Perovskite
Frost D, Chantel J, Kurnosov A, Trots D, Boffa Ballaran T & Wang Y

(2011) Structural Distortion of MgSiO3 Perovskite and the Influence of Fe and Al at Pressures of the Earth's Lower Mantle
Boffa Ballaran T, Kurnosov A, Glazyrin K, Merlini M, Hanfland M & Frost DJ

(2011) The Elasticity of Hydrous Minerals in the Lower Mantle
Pamato MG, Boffa Ballaran T, Frost DJ, Kurnosov A & Trots DM

(2011) High-Pressure Single-Crystal Elasticity of MgSiO3 and (Mg, Fe)SiO3 Perovskites at Pressures of the Earth's Lower Mantle
Kurnosov A, Trots D, Boffa Ballaran T, Harries D & Frost D

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