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All abstracts by Lee R. Kump in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2017) Climate-Weathering Feedback: Weak, Strong, or Irrelevant?
Kump L

(2016) On the Role of Ocean Anoxia in Modulating Earth System Recovery Following Mass Extinction Events
Payne J, Lau K, Jost A, Bachan A, Maher K, Meyer K, Altiner D, Kump L, Lehrmann D, van de Schootbrugge B & Yu M

(2015) Interpreting the Ca Isotopic Signal of Ocean Acidification in the Rock Record
Fantle MS, Kump LR & Ridgwell AJ

(2015) Ca Isotope Constraints on Early Triassic Marine Carbonate Chemistry
Lau K, Maher K, Altiner D, Brown S, DePaolo D, Eisenhauer A, Jost A, Kelley B, Kump L, Lehrmann D, Paytan A, Silva Tamayo JC, Yu M & Payne J

(2014) Extent of Early Triassic Global Marine Anoxia from Multiple Uranium Isotope Records and Numerical Modeling
Lau K, Maher K, Kump L, Kelley B, Lehrmann D, Yu M, Altiner D & Payne J

(2014) Evidence for Highly Oxidizing Groundwaters at 2.06 Ga
Rybacki K, Kump L, Melezhik V & Hanski E

(2014) Isotopic Consequences of the Great Oxidation Event
Bachan A & Kump L

(2014) Evaluation of Organic Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy in Terrestrial Permian-Triassic Boundary Sections in South China
Cui Y, Bercovici A, Kump L, Freeman K, Yu J & Vajda V

(2014) High Resolution Sampling Reveals a Complex Geochemical Environment at Fayetteville Green Lake, N.Y
Havig J, McCormick M, Bachan A & Kump L

(2014) Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Ocean Acidification during the End-Permian Mass Extinction – An Earth System Model Evaluation
Cui Y, Kump L & Ridgwell A

(2014) Taking it to the Shelves: Interpreting Geochemical and Isotopic Records from Epicontinental Seas
Kump L

(2013) Record of Subduction Zone Carbon Cycling in HP/UHP Rocks, W. Alps
Collins N, Bebout G, Cook-Kollars J & Kump L

(2013) Heinrich Holland’s Big Event: The Great Oxidation
Kump L

(2013) Geochemical Evidence for Volcanic Activity Prior to and Enhanced Terrestrial Weathering during the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
Fantle M, Wieczorek R, Kump L & Ravizza G

(2012) Killed by Geochemistry: Mass Extinction in Toxic Oceans
Kump L

(2012) Super-High Atmospheric Oxygen Levels during the Great Oxidation Event
Kump L

(2011) Molybdenum Isotopes as Oceanic Paleoredox Proxy of the Paleoproterozoic Shunga Event
Asael D, Rouxel O, Reinhard C, Lyons T & Kump L

(2011) Chromium Enrichment in Iron Formations Record Earth’s First Acid Rock Drainage during the Great Oxidation Event
Konhauser K, Lalonde S, Planavsky N, Pecoits E, Lyons T, Mojzsis S, Rouxel O, Barley M, Rosiere C, Fralick P, Kump L & Bekker A

(2009) Ca and Mg Isotope Variations of Paleoproterozoic (~2 Ga) Carbonates: Implications for Positive δ13C Event
Farkas J, Chakrabarti R, Melezhik V, Kump L, Medvedev P & Jacobsen S

(2009) Biogeochemical Sulfur Cycling in Meromictic Fayetteville Green Lake, NY
Zerkle A, Kamyshny A, Kump L, Riccardi A, Arthur M & Farquhar J

(2009) Ocean Acidification: Been There, Done that
Kump L & Ridgwell A

(2007) Greenhouse Gas Driven Hyperthermals of the Paleogene: How Much Carbon, How Fast?
Ridgwell A, Panchuk K & Kump L

(2007) Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Cycling in a Euxinic End-Permian Ocean
Meyer K, Kump L & Ridgwell A

(2005) Sensitivity of Global Carbon Cycling Models to Changing Subduction Fluxes
Bebout G & Kump L

(2005) Links between Climate, Paleogeography and Silicate Rock Weathering: A Cretaceous vs Present day Comparative Study with the GEOCLIM Model
Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y, Tombozafi M, Pierrehumbert R, Gaillardet J, Kump L & Dupre B

(2004) WSSC: An Initiative to Study Earth’s Weathering Engine
Brantley S, Chadwick O, Derry L, Kump L & White A

(2002) Weathering Through Earth History: Controls and Consequences
Kump LR

(2002) Is CO2 the Phanerozoic Climate Driver?
Kump L

(2002) Tectonics, Weathering, Atmospheric CO2 and C Burial during the Mid-Miocene Climate Change
Kuerschner W, Kvacek Z & Kump LR

(2001) Germanium Cycling in Amazon-Shelf Sediment Porewaters: A Tracer of Reverse Weathering?
Kurtz AC, Kump LR, Aller RA & Derry LA

(2001) Importance of Terrestrial Organic Carbon Burial in the Paleocene: Evidence from Marine Carbon and Sulfur Isotope Records
Kurtz AC, Kump LR, Arthur MA & Zachos JC

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