All abstracts by Nikolai Kudryashov in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Mantle Sources of Archean Gabbroanorthosite of the Fennoscandian Shield: Isotopic Study of U-Pb in Zircon and Isotope-Geochemistry DataKudryashov N, Mokrushin A & Skublov S
(2011) Early Paleozoic Granites in the Jiamusi Terrane of the Central Asian Fold Belt
Sorokin A, Kotov A, Sal`nikova Y & Kudryashov N
(2011) Mesoarchean Gabbroanorthosite Magmatism of the Kola Region (Russia)
Kudryashov N & Mokrushin A
(2009) Early Paleozoic Granitoids of the Argun, Mamyn, Bureya Terranes of the Central Asian Fold Belt
Sorokin A, Kotov A, Sal'nikova Y & Kudryashov N
(2009) The most Ancient Gabbro-Anorthosites of the Kola Region (Baltic Shield)
Kudryashov N, Mokrushin A & Elizarov D
(2005) U-Pb Zircon and Sm-Nd Data for Rocks of the Murmansk Domain (Kola Peninsula, NE Baltic Shield)
Kudryashov N, Apanasevich E & Delenitzin A
(2004) Paleozoic Magmatism in the North-Eastern Margin of the Argun Terrane:timing and Tectonic Implications (Upper Amur Region)
Sorokin A & Kudryashov N
(2002) Geochronology Archaean Kolmozero-Voron‚ya Greenstone Belt of the Kola Region (North-Eastern Baltic Shield)
Kudryashov N & Gavrilenko B