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All abstracts by Lukáš Krmíček in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Genesis of Small-Volume Alkali-Tholeiitic Basalts: Implications for the Geochemical Continuum of Intraplate Basalts
Xie Q, Zhang Z, Foley SF, Chen C, Cheng Z, Wang Y, Kong W, Lv Y, Jin Q, Krmíček L, Zhu X-K & M S

(2022) Petrogenesis of Ultramafic Lamprophyres and Carbonatites of the Alnö Complex (Central Sweden)
Krmíček L, Magna T, Kynický J, Vašinová Galiová M & Troll VR

(2022) Carbonatites: Evolution of High-Grade REE Mineralization and Subsequent Processes Driving Economic Exploration
Kynický J, Magna T, Chakhmouradian A, Vašinová Galiová M, Krmíček L, Rapprich V, Song W, Brtnický M, Urubek T, Smith M & Xu C

(2013) Recent Views on Lamprophyric Melilitic Rocks (Polzenites) of the Bohemian Massif
Ulrych J & Krmíček L

(2013) Are Mafic Microgranular Enclaves in Durbachites Plutonic Equivalents of Common Minettes?
Krmíček L & Romer R

(2011) The Lamprophyre Problem: Return to the Roots
Krmíček L

(2011) Phlogopite/Matrix, Cpx/Matrix and Cpx/Phlogopite Trace Element Partitioning in True Lamprophyres
Krmíčková M, Krmíček L, Kanický V, Vaculovič T & Galiová M

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