All abstracts by Ruben Kretzschmar in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Changes in Speciation and Spatial Distribution of Iron and Zinc during Mineral Transformation of Zn‑bearing Ferrihydrite in SedimentsLefebvre P, Grigg ARC & Kretzschmar R
(2023) Investigating Iron Mineral Transformations in Soils and Sediments Using 57Fe-Labeled Minerals and 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Notini L, Schulz K, Kubeneck LJ, Grigg ARC, Rothwell KA, Fantappiè G, Thomas Arrigo L & Kretzschmar R
(2023) Stability and Transformation of (Al-)jarosite in Acid-Sulfate Paddy Soils: A Field Study
Grigg ARC, Schulz K, Barmettler K, Wisawapipat W, Notini L, Thomas Arrigo L & Kretzschmar R
(2023) Unravelling Vivianite Formation in situ in Intertidal Sediments: The Role of P-Adsorbed Ferrihydrite as a Precursor
Kubeneck LJ, Notini L, Rothwell KA, Thomas Arrigo L, Schulz K, Fantappiè G, Huthwelker T & Kretzschmar R
(2023) The Redox Reactivity of Fe-Bearing Clay Minerals and Formation of Reactive Precipitates: A Field Study
Rothwell KA, Lefebvre P, Grigg ARC, Gund C, Barmettler K, Obradović N & Kretzschmar R
(2023) Spatiotemporal Patterns of Iron and Arsenic Enrichment and Speciation in Rice Rhizosphere Under Soil Sulfate Amendment and Water Management
Fang X, Li S, Christl I & Kretzschmar R
(2023) Methylmercury Production and Release in Fe-Rich Mineral and Organic Soils from Iceland
Le Bars M, Bouchet S, Thomas Arrigo L, Schädler F, Straub D, Kleindienst S, Kappler A & Kretzschmar R
(2022) Decreasing As in Rice: Interactions of Soil Sulfate Amendment and Water Management
Fang X, Christl I, Colina Blanco A, Planer-Friedrich B, Zhao F-J & Kretzschmar R
(2021) Competitive Incorporation of Mn2+ and Mg2+ in the Ferrous Phosphate Mineral Vivianite
Kubeneck LJ, Thomas Arrigo LK, Rothwell KA, Kaegi R & Kretzschmar R
(2021) Composition and Reactivity of Fe-C Aggregates along a Permafrost Thaw Gradient
Chauhan A, Patzner MS, Mansor M, Joshi P, Thomas Arrigo LK, Bryce C, Kretzschmar R & Kappler A
(2021) Ferrihydrite Transformation in Flooded Paddy Soil Microcosms
Grigg ARC, Schulz K, Rothwell KA, Kaegi R, Thomas Arrigo LK & Kretzschmar R
(2021) Stabilization of Ferrihydrite and Lepidocrocite by Silica during Fe(II)-catalyzed Transformation and the Impacts on Mineral Transformation Products
Schulz K, Thomas Arrigo LK, Kaegi R & Kretzschmar R
(2019) Effect of Redox-Active and Conductive Biochar Particles on Methane Emission and Fe(III) Reduction in Anoxic Paddy Soils
Yang Z, Kleindienst S, Subdiaga E, Kretzschmar R, Haderlein S & Kappler A
(2019) Copper Sulfide Dissolution by Methanobactin, a Methanotrophic Chalcophore
Rushworth D, Hoffmann K, Christl I, Kretzschmar R, Schenkeveld W & Kraemer S
(2019) Mercury Reduction by Vivianite
Etique M, Bouchet S, Byrne J, Thomas-Arrigo L, Kaegi R & Kretzschmar R
(2019) Comparing Sampling Strategies for Solute Arsenic Speciation in Paddy Soils
Hoefer C, Fang X, Bouchet S, Zhao F, Wang Njau P, Christl DI & Kretzschmar R
(2019) Effect of NOM on Copper Sulfide Nanoparticle Growth and Stability
Hoffmann K, Christl I, Bouchet S, Kaegi R & Kretzschmar R
(2018) Copper Sequestration in Mofettes – How Geogenic Carbon Dioxide Affects Binding to Organic Matter and Mineral Precipitation
Mehlhorn J, Besold J, Lezama Pacheco J, Gustafsson JP, Kretzschmar R & Planer-Friedrich B
(2018) Subsurface Colloids with Relevance for Trace Element Behavior in the Critical Zone
Kretzschmar R
(2018) Effect of Biochar Concentration and Particle Size on Electron Shuttling in Microbial Fe(III) Minerals Reduction
Yang Z, Obst M, Kretzschmar R & Andreas K
(2017) Monothioarsenate Transformation Kinetics Determines Arsenic Mobility in Sulfidic and Organic-Rich Systems
Besold J, Biswas A, Suess E, Scheinost A, Rossberg A, Mikutta C, Kretzschmar R, Gustafsson JP & Planer-Friedrich B
(2017) Hg Isotope Analysis and Sequential Extractions of Industrially Contaminated Soils in Valais, CH
Grigg A, Kretzschmar R, Gilli R & Wiederhold J
(2017) Mercury Isotope Signatures as Tracer for Industrial Hg Contamination
Wiederhold JG, Grigg ARC, Gilli RS & Kretzschmar R
(2017) Iron Mineral Transformations Induced by Ferrous Iron and Sulfide in NOM-Fe-Rich Peatland Flocs
ThomasArrigo L, Mikutta C, Byrne J, Lohmayer R, Planer-Friedrich B, Kappler A & Kretzschmar R
(2017) Environmental Drivers for Arsenic Solubilization from Floodplain Soils
Simmler M, Bommer J, Frischknecht S, Christl I, Kotsev T & Kretzschmar R
(2016) Iron Atom Exchange Kinetics in Iron-Rich Organic Freshwater Flocs
ThomasArrigo L, Mikutta C, Byrne J, Kappler A & Kretzschmar R
(2015) Arsenic and Iron Cycling in Freshwater Flocs Under Sulfate-Reducing Conditions
ThomasArrigo L, Mikutta C, Lohmayer R, Planer-Friedrich B & Kretzschmar R
(2015) Impact of Birnessite on Arsenic and Iron Speciation during Microbial Reduction of Arsenic-Bearing Ferrihydrite
Ehlert K, Mikutta C & Kretzschmar R
(2014) Slow and Incomplete Exchange during Competitive Hg(II) Binding to Model Ligands, NOM, and Goethite
Jiskra M, Saile D, Wiederhold JG, Bourdon B, Björn E & Kretzschmar R
(2014) Trace Metals and Metalloids in the Environment
Kretzschmar R
(2013) Tracing Local Industrial Pollution Sources with Mercury Isotopes
Wiederhold JG, Jiskra M, Skyllberg U, Drott A, Jonsson S, Björn E, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2013) Speciation and Mobility of Trace Elements in Wetland Soils
Kretzschmar R
(2013) Structure of Amorphous Ferric Arsenate from EXAFS Spectroscopy and Total X-Ray Scattering
Mikutta C, Michel FM, Mandaliev P & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Mercury Colloid Formation in a Floodplain Soil
Hofacker A, Voegelin A & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Speciation and Micro-Scale Spatial Distribution of As in a Mining-Affected River Floodplain
Kretzschmar R, Mandaliev P, Mikutta C, Barmettler K & Kotsev T
(2011) Redox Transformations of Cu in Periodically Flooded Soils
Fulda B, Voegelin A & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Mercury Isotope Fractionation in Layered Roasted Ore Waste
Smith R, Wiederhold J, Jew A, Brown G, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Competitive Ligand Exchange between Cu-Humate Complexes and Methanobactin
Pesch M-L, Christl I, Kraemer SM & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Sequential Extractions as a Tool to Investigate Stable Metal Isotope Fractionation between Soil Pools
Wiederhold J, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Hydrogen Sulfide Reaction with Natural Organic Matter: Implications for Arsenic Binding
Hoffmann M, Mikutta C & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Influence of Microbial Cells and Extracellular Polymeric Substances on the Sorption of As(V) and As(III) on Fe (Hydr)oxides
Huang J-H, Elzinga EJ & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Arsenic Concentration Influences Secondary Mineral Formation during Simultaneous As(V) and Fe(III) Reduction by Shewanella sp
Pombo SA, Huang J-H, Mikutta C, Dippon U, Kappler A & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Natural Organic Matter as Major Sorbent for Arsenic in a Peatland
Langner P, Mikutta C & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Alpine Plants
Hindshaw R, Reynolds B, Wiederhold J, Kretzschmar R & Bourdon B
(2010) Mineral Surface Processes: Key to Understanding Contaminant Dynamics
Kretzschmar R
(2010) Fractionation of Li Isotopes during Mineral Dissolution of Granite
Lemarchand E, Reynolds BC, Kretzschmar R & Bourdon B
(2010) Effect of Citrate on the Structure of Ferrihydrite, Arsenate Binding, and Ternary Complex Formation
Mikutta C, Frommer J, Voegelin A, Kaegi R & Kretzschmar R
(2010) Binding of Arsenic to Natural Organic Matter in a Minerotrophic Peatland
Langner P, Mikutta C & Kretzschmar R
(2010) Interaction of Cu and Cd with Organic Matter and Biogenic Sulfide in Periodically Flooded Soils
Fulda B, Voegelin A & Kretzschmar R
(2010) Microbial As(V) and Fe(III) Reduction: Mobilization or Sequestration of As?
Huang J-H, Lazzaro A, Voegelin A, Zeyer J & Kretzschmar R
(2009) Equilibrium Mercury Isotope Fractionation between Dissolved Hg(II) Species and Thiol-Bound Hg
Wiederhold JG, Cramer CJ, Daniel K, Infante I, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2009) Fe Isotope Fractionation during Phyllosilicate Dissolution: Effect of Protons, Ligands and K Concentration
Kiczka M, Wiederhold JG, Kraemer SM, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2009) Multi-Metal Dynamics during Reduction of Freshwater Floodplain Soil Under Sulfate-Limitation
Voegelin A, Weber F-A & Kretzschmar R
(2009) Temperature-Dependent Formation of Biogenic Cu(0) and Metal Sulfide Colloids in Flooded Soil
Hofacker AF, Weber F-A, Voegelin A, Kaegi R & Kretzschmar R
(2009) Li Isotope Fractionation in Surface Waters of an Alpine Granitic Catchment
Lemarchand E, Tipper ET, Hindshaw R, Wiederhold JG, Reynolds BC, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2009) Influence of Competitive Adsorption on Kinetics of Microbial Arsenate Reduction
Huang J-H, Melton E, Lazzaro A, Voegelin A, Zeyer J & Kretzschmar R
(2009) Effect of Sulfate-Availability on Coupled Cu and Cd Transformation during Soil Reduction
Fulda B, Voegelin A & Kretzschmar R
(2009) Arsenic Remobilization from Paddy Soil during Monsoon Flooding in Bangladesh
Roberts LC, Hug SJ, Dittmar J, Voegelin A, Kretzschmar R, Wehrli B, Cirpka OA, Saha GC, Ali MA & Badruzzaman ABM
(2009) Seasonal Stream Water Chemistry at the Damma Glacier, Switzerland
Hindshaw RS, Reynolds BC, Wiederhold JG, Kretzschmar R & Bourdon B
(2009) Photoreductive Dissolution of Lepidocrocite in the Presence and Absence of Siderophores
Kraemer S, Borer P, Sulzberger B, Hug S & Kretzschmar R
(2008) Lithium Isotope Fractionation along a Weathering Chronosequence
Lemarchand E, Reynolds BC, Wiederhold JG, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2008) Kinetics of Microbial Arsenate Reduction in the Presence of Different Iron and Aluminium Hydroxides
Huang J-H, Voegelin A & Kretzschmar R
(2008) Hg Isotopes in Contaminated Soils
Wiederhold JG, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2008) Iron Oxide Photodissolution in the Presence of Siderophores
Kraemer S, Borer P, Sulzberger B, Hug S & Kretzschmar R
(2008) Calcium Isotope Variations at the Damma Glacier, Switzerland
Hindshaw R, Reynolds B, Bourdon B, Wiederhold J & Kretzschmar R
(2007) Formation of Copper Sulfide Nanoparticles in a Flooded Soil: Potential for Colloid-Facilitated Transport of Contaminants
Weber F-A, Voegelin A, Kaegi R & Kretzschmar R
(2007) The Impact of Fe Isotope Fractionation by Plants on the Isotopic Signature of Soils
Kiczka M, Wiederhold JG, Kraemer SM, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2007) Formation of Hydrozincite, Zn Layered Double Hydroxide and Zn Phyllosilicates in Contaminated Calcareous Soils
Jacquat O, Voegelin A & Kretzschmar R
(2007) How can We Trace Fe Isotope Fractionation by Weathering in Soils?
Wiederhold JG, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2007) Relating Siderophore-Promoted Dissolution to Properties of Ferrihydrite-Exopolysaccharide Coprecipitates
Mikutta C, Mikutta R, Bonneville S, Wagner F, Voegelin A, Christl I & Kretzschmar R
(2007) Mechanistic Study of the Photodissolution of Lepidocrocite (<gamma>-FeOOH) by Model Siderophores
Borer P, Hug S, Sulzberger B, Kraemer S & Kretzschmar R
(2005) The Effect of Synthetic and Biogenic Surfactants on Iron Oxide Dissolution
Carrasco N, Kretzschmar R & Kraemer S
(2005) Effects of Metal Cation Binding on the Colloidal Stability of Kaolinite-Fulvic Acid Particles
Kretzschmar R, Heidmann I & Christl I
(2005) A Donnan Diffusion Model for the Description of Sr Adsorption Kinetics to Hydrous Ferric Oxide
Hofmann A, Van Beinum W, Kretzschmar R & Meeussen JCL
(2005) Iron Isotope Fractionation during Goethite Dissolution by Oxalate
Wiederhold JG, Kraemer SM, Teutsch N, Halliday AN & Kretzschmar R
(2005) The Effect of Bacterial and Plant Siderophores on uranium(IV)oxide Dissolution
Kraemer S, Frazier S & Kretzschmar R
(2005) Zinc Speciation in Contaminated Soils in Relation to Soil Type
Jacquat O, Voegelin A & Kretzschmar R
(2004) Copper and Lead Binding to Minerals Coated with Fulvic Acid
Christl I, Heidmann I & Kretzschmar R
(2004) Zinc Speciation in an Artificially Contaminated Soil: Formation of a New Mineral Phase within 3 Years
Kretzschmar R, Pfister S, Voegelin A & Scheinost A
(2004) Quantitative Antimony Speciation in Swiss Shooting Range Soils
Scheinost A, Rossberg A, Hennig C, Vantelon D, Kretzschmar R & Johnson C
(2004) Iron Isotope Fractionation during Soil Formation – Comparison of Ligand and Redox Controlled Processes
Wiederhold J, Teutsch N, Kraemer S, Kretzschmar R & Halliday A
(2004) Diffusion-Limited Sr Sorption by Hydrous Ferric Oxide Aggregates: Influence of Pore Sizes
Hofmann A, Van beinum W, Meeussen J & Kretzschmar R
(2004) Chemical Heterogeneity of Humic Substances and Mobile Soil Colloids Studied by X-Ray Microscopy and Microspectroscopy
Schumacher M, Scheinost A, Christl I, Jacobsen C & Kretzschmar R
(2002) Production and Isolation of Phytosiderophores
Frazier S, Reichard PU, Kretzschmar R & Kraemer SM
(2002) Fast Ligand Controlled Goethite Dissolution Kinetics Under Non-Steady State Conditions in the Presence of Siderophores and Oxalate
Reichard PU, Kretzschmar R & Kraemer SM
(2002) Metal Sorption and Aggregation in Kaolinite-Fulvic Acid Dispersions
Heidmann I, Christl I & Kretzschmar R
(2002) Factors Influencing the Vertical Pb Distribution in a Shooting Range Soil
Xifra I, Knechtenhofer L, Scheinost AC & Kretzschmar R
(2002) Formation and Dissolution of Zn-Precipitates during Reactive Transport in a Circum-Neutral Soil
Kretzschmar R, Voegelin A, Pfister S, Barmettler K & Scheinost A
(2002) Spatial and Temporal Variation of Zn Species in the Rhizosphere of a Contaminated Soil
Scheinost AC, Kretzschmar R, Newville M & Sutton S
(2002) Micro-Scale Pb Distribution and Oxidation in a Shooting Range Soil
Vantelon D, Lanzirotti A, Aeschlimann B, Guenther D, Scheinost A & Kretzschmar R
(2001) Can Metal Sorption to Mineral-Organic Particles be Predicted by an Additive Model?
Kretzschmar R & Christl I
(2001) Metal Speciation in Contaminated Soil: Complementary Results from Selective Sequential Extractions and XAFS Spectroscopy
Scheinost AC & Kretzschmar R