All abstracts by Utz Kramar in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2009) Behaviour of As in Sequential Sediment Extractions Observed by µSy-XRF AnalysisEiche E, Kramar U, Berner Z, Norra S, Berg M & Neumann T
(2009) Incorporation of "Hydrothermal" Elements in Foraminiferal Calcite: Results from Culturing Experiments
Munsel D, Kramar U, Nehrke G, Dissard D, Bijma J, Berner Z & Reichart G-J
(2007) Distribution and Redox Status of Arsenic in Framboidal Pyrite from Estuarine Sediments
Neumann T, Scholz F, Kramar U, Simon R & Mangold S
(2007) A Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory for Environmental Studies
Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Kramar U, Majzlan J, Nehrke G & Zöger N
(2007) New Ir Data from K-T Sections in the Paraiba Basin, NE Brazil
Berner Z, Kramar U, Keller G & Stüben D
(2007) Adsorption of As in Rice Paddy Soils of West Bengal
Kramar U, Norra S, Berner Z & Stüben D