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All abstracts by Peter Kraal in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Hydrothermal Iron Nanoparticles – A Missing Link in the Deep Sea Biogeochemical Cycle?
Ternieten L, Kraal P, Preiner M, Zaveri U & Plümper O

(2023) Pelagic and Sedimentary Microbes Conspire to Alter Nutrient Availability and Stoichiometry in the Low-Oxygen Benguela Upwelling System
Kraal P, Ungerhofer KA, Reichart G-J, van Kemenade ZR & Rush D

(2023) Driving Mechanisms of Correlated Thallium Isotopic Compositions and Oxygen Penetration Depth in Modern Marine Sediments
Olesen KP, Ostrander CM, Nielsen SG, Ungerhofer KA, Kraal P & Canfield DE

(2023) Nickel Isotopes in Sediment and Porewaters from Highly Productive Upwelling Margins
Archer C, Sweere T, Kraal P, Scholz F & Vance D

(2021) Nickel-Isotope Cycling on the Namibian Margin
Sweere T, Ungerhofer KA, Lemaitre N, Kraal P & Vance D

(2021) The Environmental Fate of Phosphorus Locked Away in Iron Minerals
Kraal P, van Genuchten C & Behrends T

(2021) Controls of Redox-Dependent P Cycling on the Namibian Margin in Past and Present
Ungerhofer KA, Sweere T, Hennekam R, Erdem Z, Reichart G-J & Kraal P

(2019) Hydrothermal Vent Fluids Induce Scavenging of PO4 from an Oxygenated Water Column
Ungerhofer KA, Reichart G-J & Kraal P

(2018) Dynamic Interactions between Phosphate and Schwertmannite
Schoepfer V, Burton E, Johnston S & Kraal P

(2017) The Shelf-To-Basin Iron Shuttle in the Black Sea Revisited
Lenstra W, Seguret M, Hermans M, Witbaard R, Kraal P, Kuzminov A, Severmann S, Teaca A, Behrends T, Dijkstra N & Slomp C

(2017) Controls on the Formation of Fe(II, III) (Hydr)oxides Generated by Fe(0) Electrolysis
van Genuchten C, Kraal P, Behrends T, Stipp S & Dideriksen K

(2017) Impact of Phosphate and Silicate on the Stability and Environmental Fate of Iron Oxides
Kraal P, van Genuchten C, Abdilla B, Dzade N & Mogollón J

(2016) Coupled Dynamics of CH4-S-Fe-P in Black Sea Sediments
Egger M, Kraal P, Jilbert T, Sulu-Gambari F, Sapart CJ, Röckmann T & Slomp CP

(2016) Coupled Cycling of Iron, Manganese and Phosphorus in the Water Column of the Black Sea and its Implications for Phosphorus Burial
Dijkstra N, Kraal P, Seguret M, Rijkenberg M, Gonzalez S & Slomp CP

(2015) Phosphorus Dynamics in Coastal Marine Sediments: New Insights in the Role of Fe-P Phases
Slomp C, Egger M, Dijkstra N, Jilbert T, Behrends T, Reed D & Kraal P

(2013) Benthic Nutrient Fluxes and Iron-Phosphorus Cycling in Sulfidic Estuarine Muds
Kraal P, Burton ED, Bush RT, Rose AL, Cheetham MD & Sullivan LA

(2011) Enhanced Phosphorus Regeneration in Low Oxygen Marine Settings: Insights from Modern and Ancient Sediments and Implications for the Future Ocean
Jilbert T, Slomp CP, Kraal P, Steenbergh AK & Palastanga V

(2010) Sedimentary Phosphorus Cycling along an Oxygen Gradient in the Arabian Sea: Insights from Sequential Extractions and X-Ray Spectroscopy
Kraal P, Slomp CP, Reichart G-J & Bostick BC

(2009) Reconstructing Phosphorus and Carbon Cycling during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events: Why We Need Modern Analogues
Slomp C, Kraal P, Reed D & Tsandev I

(2008) Modeling Phosphorus Cycling and Carbon Burial during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events
Tsandev I, Slomp C, Kraal P & Van Cappellen P

(2008) Redox-Dependent Phosphorus Burial and Regeneration in Cretaceous Black Shales and Mediterranean Sapropel S5
Kraal P, Slomp CP, Forster A & de Lange GJ

(2007) Modeling Marine Carbon and Phosphorus Cycling during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events
Slomp C, Kraal P & Tsandev I

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