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My Goldschmidt

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All abstracts by Klaus Knie in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2009) Determination of the 10Be Half-Life by HI-IRD and Liquid Scintillation Counting
Korschinek G, Bergmaier A, Dillmann I, Faestermann T, Gerstmann U, Knie K, Lierse von Gostomski C, Maiti M, Poutivtsev M, Remmert A, Rugel G & Wallner A

(2007) Novel Cosmogenic Iosotope Tools and Progress Towards Historic Time-Scales
Schaefer JM, Korschinek G, Faestermann T, Knie K, Finckel R, Serifiddin F, Herzog G, Winckler G, Schluechter C & Niedermann S

(2007) Search for an 60Fe Supernova-Produced Isotopic Signal in Marine Sediments
Fitoussi C, Raisbeck GM, Knie K, Korschinek G, Faestermann T, Goriely S, Lunney D, Rugel G, Poutivtsev M & Waelbroeck C

(2005) News from the Oldest Ice on Earth Buried in Antarctica and a New Cosmogenic Tool
Schaefer JM, Marchant D, Herzog G, Ivy-Ochs S, Korschinek G, Knie K, Schluechter C, Serefiddin F, Wieler R & Kubik P

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