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All abstracts by Kalle Kirsimäe in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Palaeoweathering and Si Isotopes: A Record of δ30Si Values in Metasediments and Weathering Crusts from the Eoarchaean to the Proterozoic
Murphy ME, Savage PS, Kirsimäe K, Lepland A & Prave T

(2023) The Molybdenum-Uranium Isotope System at the Cambrian-Ordovician Transition in Black Shales of Northern Estonia, Baltic Paleobasin
Vind J, Mänd K & Kirsimäe K

(2023) Millimolar Concentrations of Bioavailable Ammonium in Hydrothermal Fluids: Evidence from Altered Basalts in the Paleoproterozoic Zaonega Formation, NW Russia
Stüeken EE, Kirsimäe K, Lepland A & Prave T

(2023) Influence of the Pyroclastic Component on the Provenance and Weathering Indices Assessment in Shallow Marine Sediments – Lessons from Upper Ordovician of the Baltic Basin
Kiil E, Somelar P & Kirsimäe K

(2023) Synchrotron-Based Constraints on the Vanadium Paleoredox Proxy in the Tremadocian Alum Shale of Northeast Estonia, Baltic Paleobasin
Mandjoukov BP, Lumiste K, Vind J, Kirsimäe K, Chappaz A & Mänd K

(2023) The Effects of Secondary Alteration on Precambrian Sedimentary Records Deserve Attention
Paiste K, Fike DA, Kirsimäe K, Lepland A & Prave T

(2022) Re-examining Deep Time Sulfur Isotope Records from a Micro-Scale Perspective
Paiste K, Bakakas Mayika K, Fike DA, Kirsimäe K, Moussavou M, Wood RS, Richardson JA, Prave T & Lepland A

(2021) Protracted Oxygenation in the Paleoproterozoic did not Result in Proliferation of Mitochondrial Organisms
Mänd K, Planavsky NJ, Porter S, Robbins LJ, Wang C, Kreistmann T, Paiste K, Paiste P, Deines Y, Kirsimäe K, Lepland A & Konhauser K

(2021) The Grandest of Them All: The Lomagundi-Jatuli Event and the Carbon Cycle
Prave T, Kirsimäe K, Lepland A, Fallick T, Kreistmann T, Deines Y, Romashkin A, Rychanchik D, Medvedev P, Moussavou M & Bakakas Mayika K

(2021) Rethinking the Sulfur Isotope Record of the Paleoproterozoic Francevillian Succession of Gabon
Paiste K, Bakakas Mayika K, Fike DA, Kirsimäe K, Crémière A, Juhkama H-R, Wood RS, Moussavou M, Prave T & Lepland A

(2021) Characterization of Trace Elements and δ34S Variability in Natural Pyrite Using N2O Reaction Gas
Vezi E, Paiste P, Paiste K, Kirsimäe K, Fike DA & Jones C

(2020) The Paleoatmospheric CO2 at the End of Neoproterozoic
Somelar P & Kirsimäe K

(2020) Development of Cement Free Binders: Activation of Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion Boilers Fly Ash
Paaver P & Kirsimäe K

(2020) Timing the Greening of the Land
Peng Y, Bao H, Guan C, Gong S, Kirsimäe K, Wei Z & Somelar P

(2020) Heaviest Precambrian Shale U Isotopes to Date: Oxygenation in the ~2.0 Ga Zaonega Formation, Russia
Mänd K, Lalonde S, Robbins J, Thoby M, Paiste K, Kreitsmann T, Paiste P, Reinhard C, Romashkin A, Planavsky N, Kirsimäe K, Lepland A & Konhauser K

(2020) Lomagundi-Jatuli Carbon Isotope Excursion – Isotopic Shift Happens
Lepland A, Bakakas K, Moussavou M, Kreitsmann T, Paiste K, Mänd K, Deines Y, Romashkin A, Prave A & Kirsimäe K

(2020) Closed-System Oxygen Isotope Exchange in a Paleoproterozoic Evaporite Sequence
Ma H, Peng Y, Motlep R, Kirsimae K, Romashkin A, Lepland A & Bao H

(2018) Two-Billion-Year-Old-Evaporites Capture Earth’s Great Oxidation
Blättler C, Claire M, Prave A, Kirsimäe K, Higgins J, Medvedev P, Romashkin A, Rychanchik D, Zerkle A, Paiste K, Kreitsmann T, Millar I, Hayles J, Bao H, Turchyn A, Warke M & Lepland A

(2017) Isotope Characteristics of Primary and Secondary Carbonates in the Paleoproterozoic Zaonega Fm, NW Russia
Kreitsmann T, Paiste P, Külaviir M, Sepp H, Lepland A & Kirsimäe K

(2017) High Paleoproterozoic Seawater Sulfate Recorded in Earth's Oldest Known Large Evaporite Basin
Lepland A, Prave A & Kirsimäe K

(2017) Multiple S Isotopes Record Environmental Changes in the 2 Ga Zaonega Fm
Üpraus K, Lepland A, Zerkle AL, Wing BA, Kreitsmann T, Kirsimäe K, Bui TH & Panieri G

(2016) Chemical Weathering Indicators at Archean–Proterozoic Transition in the Petchenga, Imandra-Varzuga Greenstone Belts and Onega Basin
Soomer S, Lepland A, Somelar P & Kirsimäe K

(2016) Environmental Settings of Apatite Precipitation in the Paleoproterozoic Pilgujärvi Sedimentary Formation
Kreitsmann T, Joosu L, Lepland A, Krupenik VA, Üpraus K, Paiste P & Kirsimäe K

(2016) Origin of Isotopically Heavy Pyrite (δ34S>20‰) in the Paleoproterozoic Zaonega Formation
Üpraus K, Lepland A, Zerkle A, Patel N, McLean F, Wing B, Bui TH, Kreitsmann T, Kirsimäe K & Panieri G

(2015) Origin of 2.0 Ga Phosphorites and Associated Carbon and Sulphur Isotope Anomalies, Zaonega Formation, NW Russia
Üpraus K, Lepland A, Zerkle A, Oduro H, Patel N, McLean F, Kreitsmann T, Kirsimäe K, Wing B, Bui TH, Martma T, Romashkin A & Rychanchik D

(2015) Apatitic Micronodules in Namibian Shelf Sediments: Mineralized Microbes or Diagenetic Precipitates?
Mänd K, Bailey J, Lepland A & Kirsimäe K

(2014) Fossilization by Phosphatization 2 Billion Years ago
Lepland A, Joosu L & Kirsimäe K

(2013) Microbially Mediated Phosphogenesis 2 Ga ago
Joosu L, Lepland A & Kirsimäe K

(2012) Precambrian Palaeosol from Baltica – Reconstructing the Neoproterozoic Climate
Liivamagi S, Kirsimae K, Somelar P & Kirs J

(2012) Active Filtration of Phosphorus with Hydrated Oil-Shale Ash in Constructed Wetlands: Geochemical Modelling and Phosphorus Removal Efficiency
Liira M, Koiv M, Motlep R, Vohla C, Mander U & Kirsimaee K

(2008) Fluid-Rock Interaction in Hydrothermal System at Kärdla Impact Structure, Estonia
Versh E, Kirsimäe K, Jõeleht A & Plado J

(2004) Life in Meteorite Impact-Generated HT Systems: Perspectives and Evidences
Versh E, Kirsimäe K & Jõeleht A

(2004) Early Diagenetic Control on Lower Paleozoic K-Bentonite Composition in Baltic Basin
Hints R, Kirsimäe K, Kallaste T & Kiipli T

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