All abstracts by David Kilcoyne in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Black, Anthropogenic, Manganese-Rich Crusts on the Freiburg MinsterMacholdt D, Herrmann S, Jochum KP, Kilcoyne ALD, Laubscher T, Pfisterer JHK, Pöhlker C, Schwager B, Weber B, Weigand M, Domke KF & Andreae MO
(2016) STXM-NEXAFS and fs LA-ICP-MS Investigations of Rock Varnish
Macholdt DS, Poehlker C, Foerster J-D, Weber B, Kilcoyne ALD, Weigand M, Mueller M, Lieberwirth I, Jochum KP, Kappl M, Haug G & Andreae MO
(2016) Evaluating Degradation of Organic Matter in Murchison Meteorite Captured by Aerogel after Hypervelocity Experiments
Okudaira K, Kebukawa Y, Yabuta H, Nakato A, Kilcoyne D, Hasegawa S, Tabata M, Kobayashi K, Yano H & Yamagishi A
(2013) Organic Nitrogen Cosmochemistry of Ultracarbonaceous Micrometeorite
Yabuta H, Noguchi T, Itoh S, Tsujimoto S, Sakamoto N, Hashiguchi M, Abe K, Kilcoyne D, Okubo A, Okazaki R, Tachibana S, Terada K, Nakamura T, Ebihara M & Nagahara H
(2011) Revealing the Hidden Signature of Biomacromolecules in Ancient Organic Fossils
Cody G, Hazen R, Gupta S & Kilcoyne D
(2009) Correlated Microanalysis of Extraterrestrial Carbonaceous Nanoglobules
Nittler L, Alexander C, Cody G, De Gregorio B, Kilcoyne D, Stroud R & Zega T
(2008) Sub-Micron XANES Analysis of the Organic Structure of Comet Wild 2/81P Particles
Cody G, Yabuta H, Alexander C & Kilcoyne D
(2008) Finding Needles in the Haystack: Coordinated Analyses on Planetary Materials
Zega T, Alexander C, Busemann H, Cody G, Kilcoyne D, Nguyen A, Nittler L & Stroud R
(2008) Interplanetary Dust Collected in the Comet Grigg-Skjellerup Dust Stream
Busemann H, Nguyen AN, Nittler LR, Stroud RM, Zega TJ, Cody G, Yabuta H & Kilcoyne ALD